Chapter 7 ~ Nice To Meet You Stranger

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Chapter 7 ~ Nice To Meet You Stranger

~ it was that time for my mom to head back on tour

Me: ma I don't want you to go

Mom: I know I don't wanna leave you here ethier but I'll be gone for only a few! I promise I'll come back an visit (*she kissed me*) bye bye mommy loves you

Me: bye :( (*i once again had to say good bye, I watched her tour bus take off down The road*)

Macey: it's gonna be alright now (*hands me the trash*) your new buddy needs to go out!

Me: *sigh* (*i took the smelly trash can out side an put it in the can when I looked across the street an saw stranger 😱, I walked over to him he looked up an saw me coming*) hey you

Guy: hey Im finally meeting my stalker

Me: lol I'm not really stalking you I jus wanted to know what was up

Guy: huumm ok (*leaned on the garage can*) so what's up

Me: we'll *sigh* hi my name is

Guy: (*cut me off*) we all know who you are! Kamora keyisha Coles daughter

Me: (*fold my arms*) so you have been paying attention

Guy: we'll I won't say attention but I'll say listening around you know the talk

Me: lol well what's your name?

Guy: my name is jacob

Me: Jacob (*i smiled*)

Jacob: (*he laughed a little*) yea Jacob

Me: we'll Jacob you looked really nice at the dance! Your grey went with my dress

Jacob: thanks well you know you looked pretty to

Me: (•^,^•) thanks

Jacob: lol your welcome

Me: you seem cool

Jacob: thank you two

Me: thank you thank you

Jacob: so what's your status

Me: what you mean

Jacob: oh nothin jus seen you an Ty around each other alot

Me: ohhh so you have been watching me so I'll say your the stalker

Jacob: lol jus asking

Me: we'll if you must know! Me an him are jus friends

Jacob: umm humm

Me: what we are

Jacob: lol ok (*he stood up straight*)

Me: hey!

Jacob: I jus thought there was something going on!

Me: we'll thanks for me being here to clear things up

Jacob: it's cool thanks (*he started walking away*)

Me: wait!

Jacob: (*he stopped an turned back around to me*) yea

Me: we'll I was I was

Jacob: yes (*raise brow*)

Me: we'll I was wondering if you know would like to come over an you know hang

Jacob: 0.0 ummm ok sure

Me: really :)

Jacob: i mean yea, sounds cool

Me: oh yea umm ok how about after school Monday :)

Jacob: ok see you then (*he walked away*)

Me: bye :) (*i ran back inside the house, I let out a sigh of relief*) *sigh*that was hard (*i had my back in the door*) ummm (*i saw a bowl of fruit an took a grape*) umm not bad (*i wen back up stairs*)

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