Chapter 5 ~ Stranger

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Chapter 5 ~ Stranger

~ I opened The school doors an walked in the music was playing loud 

! I walked into the gym then that's when all The eyes came to me I freaked out an didnt know what to do !

Me: omg ummm (*jenna came to me*)

Jenna: omg you look so pretty

Me: thank you

Jenna: come lets hit the Dance floor (*she grabbed my hand an took me to the floor*) kamora this is trevor! Trevor this is kamora

Trevor: hey nice to meet you! You look very pretty

Me: :) thank you! You look nice

Trevor: don't we have a class together

Me: history (* I butted in*)

Trevor: oh yea cool

Jeanna: enough talking more dancing!!!

Me: lol (*the three of us moved to the music 👯👯💃💃💃, I was having fun but I looked around for terrell but I didn't see him bummer*)

Jessica: I would so rob you for them shoes!

Me: Jessica!

Jessica: dimples!! (*she gave me a hug*) must I say you look so freakin cute!!

Me: thank you! You to I love your dress!

Jessica: thanks!  

(*someone came up to me from behind an whispered in my ear*)

Person: you look so beautiful!

Me: (*i turned around*) TY! (*i hugged him*)

Terrell: you look! Wow

Me: thank you! You look swagg as I excepted lol

Terrell: lol thank you! Shall we! (*he took me away from The girls an begin dancing with me, he spinned me around an I laughed I was having so much fun with him*) :)

Me: your happy you got your dance

Terrell: there's more to come (*one of his friends came up to him an took him away*) see you around ;)

Me: bye (*i waved bye but that's when I saw him, the stranger that didn't ever really talk to me, Jenna came to me*)

Jenna: hey you having fun

Me: yes but who's that (*i pointed to him standing by the drink bar*)

Jenna: who's who? (*she looked where I was pointing but didn't see anyone*)

Me: he was! He was jus there

Jenna: come on coo coo girl lets dance!

What the strange guy was wearing -->

~they played Vic wobble everyone was on the floor dancing some tried alot harder than others but everyone was moving! Soon when the dance was over a photographer was taking pictures! A group of kids got together an the strange guy was taking the picture with us to! After the picture he disappeared into the crowd I followed him but was stopped by terrell

Terrell: hey there you are you wanna take a picture

Me: but I was (*i watched the strange guy disappear*) umm sure :) (*he grabbed my hand an took me back to the picture stand! He stood behind me an put his hands around my waist an we took the picture

Photographer: nice! Very pretty

Me: thanks :)

Terrell: :) come on let's dance some more! (*he took me to the floor an we danced some more ! I was having fun, a girl came up to him an asked to take him away! I let him go an went back to looking for mister stranger! That's when I finally ran into him*)

Me: you (*i pointed my finger*)

Guy: ?? Me?

Me: yes you! You have been ignoring me all day

Guy: umm sorry

Me: why are you so M.I.A (*thats when Jessica an Jenna pulled me away*) I'm not done with you (*i yelled back at him*)

Guy: (*sipped his drink*) humm weird (*walked away*)

Jessica: chill new girl! Let's dance 👯👯💃💃

Me: yea your right!!! (*i danced 👯👯🙆🙅💁💃💃👯💁🙅🙆💁*)

Jenna: twerk some girl lol

Me: (*i did my little dance*)

~ soon time was flying by I took more pictures an danced to more songs an had lots of fun

DJ: alright alright give it up for the homecoming!!!

Everyone: whooaaa!!

DJ: party over!

~ I exited out the door an headed to maceys car when I saw the strange guy walking to a car, I watched him when Terrell stepped in front of me an gave me a big hug!

Terrell: I had so much fun with you tonight

Me: me to :)

Terrell: see you in school Monday!

Me: yes bye :)

Terrell: bye (*he watched me get in me car an waved bye as we drove off*)

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