Chapter 8 ~ Chillin

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Chapter 8 ~ Chillin

~ it was Monday an they had said that there was no school tomorrow! I sat in English class an started at Jacob! So all along he was the mysterious guy :) at moments he would look back at me an smile I think he knew I was staring at him

Me: (*looking at Jacob :)*)

Jessica: *whispered* umm kamora your staring a little to much at Jacob

Me: humm oh huh?

Jessica: aye are you ok

Me: yea yea im fine (*i went back to work*)


-lunch time had came around an I sat with the girls

Jessica: aye kamora what was up with you staring at Jacob this morning in English

Jenna: unmm what's up with that

Me: (*i poked at my food*) nothin

Jennifer: nothin as in meaning something!

Me: lol girls chill I was day dreaming that's all! (*TY had came over to the table*)

Terrell: hey kamora

Me: hi

Terrell: hey ladies

Girls: heyy TY

Terrell: hahaha what you doing

Me: umm nothin jus having girl talk (*i looked over at Jacob an he was talking to his boys*)

Terrell: oh well I came over here to give you the picture we took from the dance (*he handed me a package*)

Me: thanks

Terrell: your welcome

Jacob POV:

~ so I was laughing it up when my boys told me to looks over at kamora TY was over there again smiling an talking to her then we all saw him kiss her check! Awwww snap my boys said loud! I jus laughed shook my head an turned back around 


Jessica: aww cute

Terrell: see you later (*he got up an walked away from the table*)

Me: (*the girls smirked*) oh shut up shut up

Jennifer: ummm I see you an TY got a thing

Me: no its not a thing! It's actually not a thing at all

Jenna: ummm (*ate*) that kiss showed it all

Me: oh come on really! It was on the check

Jennifer: first the check then

All the girls: the lips LOL!!

Me: what ever (*i rolled my eyes an went back to eating*)


- I sat in chemistry waiting on the bell to ring so school could be over! Jacob sat closer to me but still payed me no mind! Jenna had knocked me something she said I was staring at Jacob to hard but I couldn't help it! I jus couldnt wait til he came over today!  

The bell had rung an I ran to my locker I stuffed my things in the bag quickly! Until Jacob came up to my locker An I almost had a hard attack

Me: ohhh snap Jacob you scared me

Jacob: lol umm i jus came to ask (*he put his hand on the top of my locker door*) what time you wanted me to come over

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