Chapter 12 ~ Let's Talk

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Chapter 12 ~ let's talk


- I was fast asleep when I heard a knock on my window! I was in a drunk sleep daze [yall know when you don't know what's going on] I opened the window an went back to my bed. I had the the cover over my head

Voice: kamora wake up

Me: hummm (*i got pushed hard an fell on my bed, I woke up*) what what

Voice: shhhh be quite!

Me: Jacob what are u doing here

Jacob: I came to talk to you

Me: ok (*i straighten up on my bed*)

Jacob: what waz up with u an TY today in gym?

Me: (*i laughed because it felt like I was talking to the dark*)

Jacob: kamora be serious about this!

Me: sorry! I don't know I didn't mean for it to happen

Jacob: I told you once he kisses your check he is gonna go for the lips

Me: I know that! I didn't know it would actually happen I've been giving him the cold shoulder I though he would get the message

Jacob: yea well what ever (*he took my cover an pillows an placed them on the floor near my bed, he laided down*) I'm jus saying you dont know what he got (*he turned on his side an fell slient*)

Me: wait what!! (*i shook him*) Jacob what you mean? (*he pretended like he was sleep*) alright find cool (*i went to my closet an took out more blankets, I mumbled*) take my blankets, come in my room this my room! Like you own the place (* I wrapped my self in the sheets an turned towards my other window I closed my eyes an fell asleep*)


I woke up the next morning an looked around the room I saw my covers an pillows laid out on the floor! I didn't know what Had happened last night do I jus got up an continued with my day


I was in history class when I noticed that I had left my homework in my locker I was excused to go get it. I was walking the halls when I saw to figures! So as noisy as I am I slowly backed up an saw TY an some 

Girl kissing! They looked up an saw me I placed my hands on my hips

Terrell: oh hey kamora I was jus..

Me: (*i cut him off*) hi nice to meet you :) (*i shook The girl hand*)

Girl: (*TY wiped his lips*) oh I know you! Your keyisha Coles daughter right?

Me: yes :)

Terrell: kamora I was jus

Me: have fun! (*i walked off leaving TY puzzled I swore at that moment I jus wanted to do a cart wheel In the hall way*)


During a passing period I saw Jacob at his locker I ran to him an kissed him on the check he didn't notice it

Jacob: what's your problem you look happy

Me: well I caught TY kissing a girl earlier

Jacob: and your happy why?

Me: because Jacob this means I'm officially done with him

Jacob: you know that doesn't mean he don't still want you

Me: (*i frowned*) :( thanks for making good news turn bad again

Jacob: haha (*he walked away, then I thought about it I ran over to him*)

Me: aye what happen to you last night

Jacob: what you mean?

Me: I remember you came over an dissapeared

Jacob: look kamora I gotta get to class soo..

Me: oh ok see you later then(*he walked into his class room an I ran into mine*)


Me: ok so if I add 7 to this side an subtract it on this side I would get x by its self

Macey: kamora honey can you please help me with the bags

Me: *sigh* (*i sat my homework to the side an began helping macey unpack The food*)

Macey: thank you it's been a long busy day  

Me: no problem

Macey: so what's up with you an that boy?

Me: what boy?

Macey: idk what's his name

Me: Jacob?

Macey: yea him!

Me: what about

Macey: yea I don't like him! He seems bad news

Me: what! Your joking right! Jacob is nice I like him! Ty was bad news

Macey: maybe your right

Me: maybe

Macey: you never know about a person

Me: (*sat the food down*) yea.. Well I do! (*i ran up stairs to my room I was tired of her always judging every person I talk to! It's like everyone has there world backwards! I jus wish they could just........................ Understand

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