Chapter 14 ~ Message

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Chapter 14 ~ Message

~ I woke up the next Morning to the sun beamin in my face I turned around to see Jacob gone I checked the time an went into my bathroom an got ready for school

Macey: kamora are you up? (*she had a basket of clothes in her hand, she herd the sink running in the bathroom*) she left her window open! (*she sat the basket down an walked to the window*) why is the floor wet? (*she closes the window shut an began picking up dirty clothes that's when she noticed Jacobs tank top she picked it up*) who's is this? KAMORA!!! Come here please

Me: (*i ran into my room when macey called me*) yes what's up

Macey: what is this doing in your room! An why was your window open

Me: (*i looked in her hand an saw Jacobs tank top*) 0.0 ohh sorry (*i took it out her hand an threw it in my book bag*) that's Ty's he asked me to hold on to it for gym he didn't have a bag

Macey: but it's damp

Me: that's why he took it off he was sweating alot!

Macey: ok but why was your window open

Me: (*grabing my things*) macey you know I love the sound of the rain! I wanted to get the fully affect (*i ran to her an kissed her on the cheek*)  

Gotta go love ya peace! (*i ran down the stairs an thought man that was so close*)

Macey: *sigh* (*smh, then went back to cleaning*)


~ I was walking down the hall when i saw Jacob at his locker I took his tank out my bag an handed it to him

Jacob: (*looked at it then took it*) oh sorry

Me: no problem! Sorry the rain got the best of you

Jacob: it's cool you were warm ;) (*he closed his locker he turned an walked away*)

Me: (* i laughed An went off to class*)


Teacher: an so class even though people say Christopher Columbus founded north America he didn't he rediscovered it because the Viking....

Jenna: pssssh hey kamora

Me: yea Whats up

Jenna: can I see your phone to play temple run this is really boring

Me: lol ok sure (*i felt around in my pockets an shirt*) shoot I forgot it 


Jenna: dang


Macey POV:

~ kamora has been acting a little strange lately that Jacob boy has been really putting an affect on her! I'm worried! I went in her room an got to cleaning I noticed she had left her phone on her dresser I picked it up

Macey: humm that's weird kamora never leaves her phone! Oh well (*i sat the phone back down an went onto what I was doing*)

~ I hate to see kamora get hurt


The bell had rung an school was over I went straight home because I had so much homework I didn't have time for nothin else. When I got home I went straight to my room an found my phone I took out my labtop an started on my homework but then I decided to text Jacob. An see how his day went

[popin that gum]: hey Jacob what you doin


Jacobs POV: 

~ I was working on my homework when kamora texted me

[ride or die chick]: hey Jacob what you doing?

[sundrop J]: oh hey jus started on my home work

[ ride or die chick]: sounds fun

[sun drop j]: yea very

[ride or die chick]: lol you looked nice today

[sun drop j]: thanks you did to I liked your hair

[ride or die chick]: it was no different same curly hair!

[sun drop j]:i like your hair like that :-)

[ride or die chick]: thanks :) I see you with your new hair cut today! Your little fade

[sun drop j]: (*singing*) I'm faded faded faded girl I'm faded

[ride or die chick]: and I don't give a F

[sun drop j]: aye that's not nice!

[ride or die chick]: lol sorry

[sub drop j]: it's cool

~ Jacob POV still  

- I was texting kamora when I had got a text from an unknow number, I'm not suppose to answer back so I tried to delete it but it wouldnt go unless I read it

[untitled]: I know you have been sneaking around! Leave kamora alone! If I see you around her again imma do some bad things got it!

- the message deleted I didn't know what was going on so I texted kamora back

[sundropj]: hey umm I gotta alot of work I gotta get done so.....

~*~ no ones point of view

- so Jacob texted me back an said that he needed to do his work I understand so I texted ok bye he didn't reply weird I jus went back to my work anyway

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