Chapter 18 ~ Last Chance

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Chapter 18 ~ Last chance

~ its been a couple of weeks since me an jacob has been going on with this silent treatment my mom was coming home really soon, but besides the point! It was late at night an once again raining! I decided that I should be The (man) an go talk to Jacob, because the truth was I was really missing him not coming over some nights! I slide on my rain coat an some boots I pulled my hoodie over my head so my hair won't get wet I locked my door so macey wouldnt find me gone an I sunk out my window to Jacobs house, I have never been to his house so I didn't know where his room was or where his house was so I peaked threw alot of windows until I finally found sleeping Jacob! I knocked on his window

Jacobs POV:

~ I was sleep in my boxers an no shirt when I herd a knock on my window I got up an unlocked it to see kamora standing there!

Jacob: what are you doin here?

Me: umm can I come in first

Jacob: *sigh* yea but take your shoes off I don't need no mud on my carpet (*she did that an I went to my drawer an took out a t-shirt*) so why you come here (*i was putting my shirt on*)

Me: I jus wanted to come here an talk to you

Jacob: about?

Me: *sigh* what are we doing Jacob?

Jacob: what you mean?

Me: this whole avoiding each other thing

Jacob: idk

Me: I came here to make things right! An the truth is.... I kinda miss you

Jacob: (*i fell silent an I didn't say nothin back*)

Me: so I came here to settle this! We need to hang an talk to each other again! Like we did in English an all that good stuff

Jacob: look kamora listen

Me: (*i cut him off*) no you listen! You an I both know that this here what were doing is childish (*i stepped closer*)

Jacob: kamora! This isn't workin our friend ship is jus a lie really an I don't wanna keep lying to you

Me: then jus tell me the truth (*i stepped closers an pulled my hoodie down*)

Jacob: kamora please your making things hard (*i don't know why she kept stepping closer to me I don't even know why she came here!*) kamora jus (*i turned my head*)

Me: jus wha? (*i stepped closer*)

Jacob: (*i looked back at her*) jus (*my thought was interrupted*)

Me: (*i stepped closer an then I jus kissed him*)

Jacob: (*i can't believe her why did she kiss me*)

Me: (*i knew it would happen I mean first the check then the lips? Right?*)

Jacob: (*i kinda kissed her back but then I thought about it an broke the kiss an pushed her away from me*) kamora what's your problem

Me: (*i can't believe he jus pushed me an it was really hard*) what I was

Jacob: (*i cut her off*) why did you jus kiss me

Me: (*i was kinda scared now at first I thought I knew what I was doing but then at this moment I didn't*) I-I-I I kissed you on the check before you were the one that said first the check then the lips right!!

Jacob: (*i got kinda mad how was she gonna try an pull that bulk Sh*t over me*) what are you talking about!! You know what get out!

Me: what? (*i was so shocked*)

Jacob: get out my house kamora (*i pushed her to the window*)

Me: your jus gonna send me out in the rain

Jacob: (*i didn't look at her or speak I jus motion her out*)

Me: can I at least stay the night! It's cold an raining out side Jacob!

Jacob: go (*i didn't look at her, I could tell she was really upset an wanted to cry but I couldn't bare look at her face*)

Me: (*so Jacob was sending me off in the cold cold pouring raining, I looked back at him in disgust then pulled my hood over my head an jumped out The window the rain ran down my face he closed the window on my face, I turned an walked home I was ready to have a melt down an cry because at this point I was a true emotional reck, I hopped back in my window an took off my wet clothes I slid on some warm pJ's an got into the warm bed I turned an face my other window (*the wall*) an pulled the covers over my head, I couldn't believe what jus happen!*)

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