Chapter 11 ~ The Next Step

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Chapter 11 ~ That next step

~ time was ticking so slow in English class, it felt like the bell was never gonna ring! I sat staring at the clock an taping my pencil! Ok so Jacob told the truth he didn't come over last night! Well forget it Shoot I was trynna help a Botha out!


[ I was in the girls locker room changing for gym I walked out an saw TY an some of the guys playing basket ball! Both of the gym teachers blew there whistles an everyone sat in there squats]

Teacher: alright today were gonna be doin a little activity you will know what we're doing but first I need everyone to find a partner boy to 

Girl go!

(*i got up an was walking to Jacob when I was pulled away by TY*)

Terrell: hey partner

Me: (*i sighed I wasn't gonna get out of this one*)

Teacher: we're gonna start with some stretches

Me: (*me an Ty sat on the ground I looked over at Jacob an saw him an another girl laughing it up I was getting a little jelly*)

Terrell: hey we haven't been spending alot of time to together What's been up

Me: umm nothin jus busy you know homework an stuff

Terrell: oh

Teacher: the gym is divided into sections (*me an TY was at the basket ball station, me an TY played around chasing each other for the ball it was fun for a while but I kept looking at Jacob an that girl doing there activity he was grabbing all on her like what the heck! She was all laughing an there face was getting all close to each other and smiling I guess TY was noticing me because out of no where he grabbed me an pulled me to face him an at that moment our lips locked, i was so shocked I dropped the basketball I had in my hand! I couldn't believe it! They was right first the cheek then the lips, I pulled away*)

Me: (*i looked around to see if any one saw an sure enough the whole gym had there eyes on me even Jacob, he looked dissapointed but knew that it was coming, I ran out of the gym in shocked*)


[i was at home, I sat twirling my hair an looking out the window I couldn't believe that happen to me, I never wanted to get that close to him! I never saw him as that type of person, I soon went down to the kitchen an I could tell macey spotted my down ness]

Macey: (*looked up from cooking*) hey chicken head why so down

Me: *sigh* nothin jus thinking

Macey: ok well dinner should be ready in a few

Me: ok (*i went down the the basement to my mothers studio I sat there an started at the controls I played with them trying to do what Jacob did I *sigh* what was this? This feelings I was having I coursing really put it into place, I jus had to face the fact that I was lost*)

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