Chapter 10 ~ Stress

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Chapter 10 ~ Stress

~ The next morning for school I wore --> i sat in English class taking notes! I noticed that Jacob seemed a little off!


Me: hey Jessica did you notice something different about Jacob today

Jessica: who the singer kid? No

Me: (*i stopped in my track*) wha? (*i caught up to her*) no he seemed I don't know how to put my finger on it but......

Jessica: (*cut me off*) look kamora you need to stop with the whole staring at Jacob thing it's you an TY now you should be happy! Girls would kill over him! But I mean who wouldn't want Jacob ethier

Me: Jessica imma tell you this once ok listen very carefully (*she nodded her head*) there is nothin going on between me an TY ok we are More like talking buddies with out all the benefit part to it got it

Jessica: oh i got it real clear! (*well I gotta head off to class so see ya!

Me: bye! (*i walked off to art class an took my seat I began working on my painting add more colors to create more emotion to it, I hummed to the songs Jacob sung yesterday*) 

Like em yea ummm something yea umm

[*time was going by and it was soon lunch time, I decided to jump off my veggie diet an eat some doritios locos tacos 😂😂*]

Me: umm about time they sever something good!

Jennifer: girl they got these from taco bell

Jenna: yea an they was being stengy with the meat (*looks in her taco*)

- we all laugh

Me: (*i look up to see Jacob knocked out on the lunch table, I wanted to go see what was up*) umm ill be back girls

Jennifer: umm ok (*they watch me as I went over an sat next to sleeping jacob*)

Me: (*to the guys*) hey what's up guys

Guys: hey (*they looked at me like what I was doing over here*)

Me: hey Jacob (*i shook him an he turned his head*) Jacob wake up

Jacob: hummm (*he sat up an looked at me*) oh hey kamora you look nice today (*he fell back to sleep*)

Me: lol thanks but wake up I gotta tell you something

Jacob: (*leaned on me like He was drunk*) it's ok girl tell me you can tell mee! (*pause*) another time (*he fell back to sleep*)

Guy: aye Shawty you shouldn't be messing with Jacob while he's sleep! Let him rest

Me: fine (*i stood up an was walking to the table when TY stepped in front of me an grabbed my waist*)

Terrell: hey girl what you up to

Me: umm going back to my table

Terrell: you shouldn't mess with those guys I wouldn't want them stealing my girl ;) (*he walked away*)

Me: hahahaha (*fake laugh*) she ya (*kevin hart with the snap the fingers an point them movin up an down*) yea (*roll eyes an sat back down*)

Jennifer: so what was that about?

Me: oh nothin I was jus seeing what was the homework assignment for English (*i bit into my taco*)

Jessica: well you could of asked me!

Jenna; it's not like you wrote it down any way

Jessica: oh yea that's right

Jennifer: well you better be careful

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