Chapter 22 ~ I'm Gone

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Chapter 22 ~ I'm gone

Mom: go upstairs an tell them what's up (*they both went an saw kamora an Jacob yelling*)

Jacob: kamora!! Wait

Me: why didn't you jus tell me

Mom: (*yelled*) aaaayyyeeee!!! Enough (*everyone froze*) now macey had something to say

Macey: kamora he was using you

Mom: (*folded her arms*) the truth

Macey: *sigh* Jacob you can't be with kamora!!! My daughter loves you!! Your suppose to marry her not kamora!

Jacob: (*jacob have her this dumb look like are u stupid*) what!

Mom: macey get the fu*k up out my house

Macey: what?

Mom: get out!!

Macey: your firing me? 0,0

Mom: leave (*she took her things an left out*) lord I need an aspirin (*she went up the steps*)

Me: Jacob I'm I'm sorry

Jacob: (*shook his head an walked out the door*)

Me: (*ran after him*) Jacob wait (*grabbed his hand*)

Jacob: (*snatched it back, got angry*) kamora I trusted you!! An at the end you still didn't trust me

Me: Jacob

Jacob: no!!!! I didn't tell you I was famous because I wanted you to see that I wanted you for you! An not because your mom is famous or do what your have kamora!!!! That's why! That's why I didn't tell you!!

Me: I-I

Jacob: an i kept my distance because I didn't want to like you!

Me: wha 😢

Jacob: I didn't want you to like me ethier!!! Then you kissed me an I didn't know what to do! Yes I'm famous!!! So what!!! Those days when I blew you off was because I had dance practice! I had to be in the studio but I didn't let you know that! I wanted you to know that I was normal!

Me: (*that explains why jessica said girls would kill for Jacob, an singer boy*)

Jacob: I didn't want me an you to get connected kamora!! Because the truth is I'm leaving!!! I'm going on tour!! I'm gonna be gone!

Me: what your leaving me!

Jacob: im sorry but I'm done with us with this I'm gone (*he turned an walked away*)

Me: wait Jacob!! (*i ran to him an turned him around I kissed him like I ment it like the world depended on it! An he kissed me back he whipped my tear away then started walking backward away from me he licked his lips then turned an left*)

~ so that was it! He was walking away from me! From everything we went threw! He was ending the book with this final chapter! I didn't know what to think or say but at this moment I was heart broken

But the truth was I really did love that mystery boy!

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