Chapter 20 ~ Welcome Back

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Chapter 20 ~ welcome back

Voice: hello! Guys I'm back!!!!

Macey: 0.0 go go go (*she pushed Jacob back into kamora room*) act like you guys are all cuddled up (*Jacob jumped behind kamora an put his arms around her she ran an cut on a movie an walked out the room*)

Person: ooo flowers for me? Hello!

Macey: (*came down the steps*) keyshia your back!!!

Mom: I'm back!!! Where's my baby 

(*run up the steps*)

Macey: oh no wait (*followed*)

Mom: kamora!! (*went in her room an saw her an Jacob watching a movie they looked up at her*) oh hey

Me: hi mom

Mom: oh I didn't know you had someone over

Jacob: :) (*omg it's keyshia cole standing in front of me an im over here hugged all on her daughter bad first impression 0.0*)

Mom: aww you two so cute wait a minute (*she started a Jacob really hard*) I I know you your unmm

Jacob: 0.0 (*shook his head like don't say it no no dont*)

Mom: you umm what's your name?

Me: ???

Macey: let's go unpack (*took her away from the door but she came back*)

Mom: (*looked at him hard*) hummm

Macey: (*took her from the door*)

Me: weird?

Jacob: yea crazy huh? (*let out a sigh of relief*)


Mom: dinner is ready!!! (*everyone came an sat around the Conner an ate*) so you an my daughter official?

Jacob: ummm no

Me: jus friends really

Mom: oh ok ok

Me: so how was the tour

Mom: oh jus so fun an amazing I always enjoy it! I'm glad that I can take a break an work on my music

Me: yea I'm glad your back

Mom: I'm glad to (*she rubbed my face*) humm your very hot honey! You got a cold

Me: yea jus a little cold

Jacob: umm well I'm sorry I wish I could stay a little more but my dad needs me back I'm busy

Mom: oh ok it was nice meeting you

Jacob: you to ms cole (*shook her hand*)

Mom: I'll wrap your plate (*she got to work*)

Jacob: well I'll catch you later kamora

Me: :) bye thanks for the flowers

Mom: oh them are yours (*smack lips*) I thought they was for me

Me+Jacob: lol

Mom: here u go Jacob (*gave him plate*)

Jacob: thank you! Feel better kamora!

Me: I will :) (*he walked out the door, looks back at mom*) what?

Mom: nothin I know him from some where

Me: really why you say that?

Mom: I don't know but he is cute

Me: momm!!

Mom: what I'm sorry he is lol (*well I'm about to go say hi to my baby

Me: what I thought I was your baby

Mom: you are my baby but my studio is my baby baby hahah

Me: (*i shook my head an went back to eating as she went to her studio*)

[untitled]: hard headed children faces the hard consequences

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