Chapter 4

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------------ Chapter 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Shit!" Felix curses behind me. I hiss at him, hoping beyond hope that perhaps the little vamp is a low ranking guard who would let us leave as we please.

I pull my hood further down my face. I hold myself up to my full height and walk past the shadow by the gate, doing my best to act as if I have every right to be going wherever.

"Where are you going?" he repeats, a ring of authority to his voice this time.

"It's none of your concern though, is it?" I snarl.

"Hmm, perhaps. I'm sure Aro would find this little piece of information interesting though", he threatens as subtly as a sledgehammer.

"Alec, I'm going to get a snack. I didn't realise you had the authority to stop me from eating," I hiss, as Felix chuckles quietly behind me.

"A snack? The golden boy shouldn't have to go get his own food. Allow me to get someone else to do it for you," Alec continues, still leaning against the gate, blocking my exit.

"Perhaps another time," I coat my voice in honey as I've heard Edward do time and time again. I pull a half smile and push him out of my way.

"You're running away, aren't you?" Alec says quietly, for once not playing the charade.

"Yes," I whisper back.

"They will kill your family. They will make up some excuse to find them guilty of something or another. Your entire family will be destroyed. Are you sure you're making the right call?" Alec asks, his small frame quivering slightly.

"Alec..." I break off. I've just realised I'm actually quite fond of Alec. Darn that Chelsea and messing with my head! I take Alec's hand in mine, and yes, I realise that sounds a little gay. But I was trying to get a read on him, okay?

Alec's eyes widen but he doesn't try to break away. He just closes his eyes and relives all the memories with me.


...I see a man...and a woman. Their faces are blur, but a sudden wave of love sweeps through my frame. They must be Alec's parents. I watch in horror as Alec is accused of being a witch. He's to be burnt at the stake. I feel the crushing of pain of having his parents just stand there and not speak up on his behalf. I watch as Alec takes his twin sister's delicate hand. I watch them being tied. My blood boils as a man in a top hot sets the kindle on fire. He even has the audacity to smile.

And as if all those emotions aren't enough, my eyes lock onto the faces of Alec's parents. They watch, emotionlessly. I feel like screaming at them, I feel like telling them to do something. The aching pain is so intense. It takes me a moment to realise the feelings I'm feeling are the feelings Alec has been keeping hidden for all these years.

My body is engulfed in a sort of heat. It's not as intense as when Calista bit me though. The kindling at my feet catch fire, the skin of my legs are burning. The pain begins cutting off. It's as if my whole body has stopped being able to react...but no. It's more like all the nerve endings in my body have died. I can't feel a thing.

I feel Jane whimpering behind me. She obviously feels the pain. And just then cloaked figures enter the town square. Slowly, majestically.

A man in the darkest cloak pulls his cloak back, revealing his exquisite face. It's definitely Aro, but his skin doesn't look so thin, his complexion isn't as pale. This memory is centuries old. Aro nods his head and two burly men in cloaks remove Alec and Jane from the pyre.

That's when the horror begins. I look down at Alec bent over by my feet. Shock on his face. Jane is passed out on the ground beside him.

The volturi rhythmically begin killing every single person in the village square. Aro leaves Alec's parents for last. With a quick twist, he's broken their spine. Alec moans in pain. He collapses on their limp bodies...


I break the connection, not wanting to see anymore. Alec opens his big, innocent crimson red eyes. He assesses me for a few moments.

"I'm sorry," I choke out.

I can only imagine how horrible it would be to watch my parents be killed right in front of me. The only thing worse would be joining forces with the people who killed them.

"I'm over it," Alec says in a steady voice. "But I have always been a strong person. I never felt emotions as strongly as anybody else. But you Henry, you would die if your family was killed." He continues slowly, watching my reaction.

I look over my shoulder and sigh. "Alec, I have to go. I think my family is in danger. Demetri is with them," I breathe. His eyes widen at the mention of his companions name.

"Then you must hurry," he breathes back.

I nod tightly. I squeeze his shoulder reassuringly, "Take care, kid. For some reason...I don't want anything to happen to you," I chuckle.

"That would be Chelsea's doing. She is supposed to make everyone regard us as their younger siblings," he half smiles.

I ruffle his hair, nod at Felix and the two of us hurry out of the gates, slinking through the shadows. Once we clear Volterra, we begin running. We make it to the airport in a record amount of time. The sound of light thudding of feet warn me a fraction of a second before he comes into sight.

"I've decided I'm coming with you," Alec announces, grinning wickedly.

I grin back and nod at him. "Okay, you guys stay here. I'm going to get some stuff," I instruct Felix and Alec.

I return twenty minutes later. I throw a bag of clothes at either one of them and a box of contacts.

"What's this for?" Alec asks curiously.

"We're flying, obviously," I reply, grinning widely.

The both of them utter a sigh of frustration in synchronisation. I change, pop the contacts in and the three of us head to the counter to purchase our tickets.


"We should have just run," Alec grumbles for the 100th time. Everyone stares at us, not that I blame them, but it does get old.

We can barely even talk since it's so painfully obvious they're dying to listen to our conversation. Typical humans, so eager to gather as much dirt about the people that stick out.

We make our way through the crowded terminal, and head to the entrance. We walk nonchalantly further away from the airport and break into a run. The two of them barely keeping up with me. Once we get closer to the woods, I feel the 4th pair of my contacts disintegrate in my eyes. Great. I blink furiously against the stinging.

I turn back to see Alec and Felix back in their cloaks.

"You guys will scare my family," I grumble lowly.

"The plan is to scare Demetri," Alec murmurs grimly.

"Henry...chances are, the moment Demetri knows what's going on, he will attack," Felix warns me.

"Let him," I whisper so low I feel Felix and Alec look at each other in confusion.

I've heard stories about bloodlust. It's supposedly something that comes with being a new born vampire, the lack and control and what not.

I'm not a new born.

I'm completely in control.

But my vision is red, my hands are quivering.

Demetri better be ready for me.

I pull on my cloak and pull the hood down. Alec and Felix mimic me and we ghost through the forest on the way to the house.

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