Chapter 8

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----------- Chapter 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Edward’s POV)

               “I don’t care what you think! Henry is still the same boy!” I shout for the umpteenth time.

               “He looks like one of them! He behaves like one of them! He’s basically their commanding officer know!” Eleazar sighs, clearly frustrated.

               “But he’s family!” Esme whispers.

               “Did you see his eyes?!” Garrett demanded. “I wouldn’t want him within a hundred metres of Kate again!”

               “He wouldn’t hurt a fly!” I mutter exasperated! I can’t believe we’re even having this discussion!

               “What does the colour of his eyes matter?” Bella asks, backing me up. Ah, I knew my lovely wife would understand.

Suddenly the room goes quiet and all eyes are on Alice’s unseeing ones.

I close my eyes and read her mind so I can interpret for the rest.

               “I see Henry. He’s in...Egypt. Jane has joined them. They’re walking down a deserted street.”

               “Why are they in Egypt?” Tanya wonders out loud, talking for the first time since seeing Henry.

               “They are with the Egyptian coven. They want to talk?” Alice’s vision isn’t very clear. Henry has no idea what he’s doing! He’s changing his mind at every step.

               “Wait, they’re walking away. The Volturi are following the Egyptian’s. They’re in the middle of the desert. Henry reveals himself to them. Benjamin thinks he’s Jake. Amun is disgusted the Volturi have hired a guard dog,” I continue, my eyes unfocused as I concentrate on Alice’s blur vision.

I barely hear Jake’s growl in the background.

               “Benjamin is trying to convince Henry to leave them alone. He’s telling Henry how he and his coven stood with us against the Volturi. I see confusion in Henry’s face. He doesn’t know what to do,” I murmur.

               “No! NO!” I shout, beside myself with grief.

               “Edward?! What happened?! Is Henry okay?!” Tanya wails, her face set in horror.

               “Henry’s passed judgement. He’s condemned Amun and Kebi,” I whisper in a dead voice. No, Henry! How could you?!

               “No...” Carlisle moans, his face in his hands. Yes, Amun and Kebi ran the moment they could while standing with us, but they stayed! They stayed to help us. They witnessed! Henry can’t do this! Can’t he see it’s just Aro trying to add Benjamin to his collection?! How can the boy be so blind.

               “Wait! Benjamin has the Volturi blinded by a sand storm. They can escape!” I thrill, a fierce grin on my voice. The rest of my family exhale in relief.

Then Alice and I let out a groan in unison. My family knows what that means. “Aro, Marcus, Caius, Santiago, Afton and Chelsea have arrived. They have Amun and Kebi. Henry’s incapacitated Benjamin and Tia,” Alice mumbles, her voice shaking.

               “Hang on! Henry is crouching over Benjamin...he’s setting them free!” I whisper in pride. That’s my grandson!

               “Oh my god! They just tore Amun and Kebi apart! But Benjamin and Tia have escaped,” Alice whispers, her eyes still unfocused.

               “At least Henry did something right,” Carlisle murmured, pacing up and down.

               “Isn’t this proof enough that he’s still the same boy?!” I demand, jumping to my feet, shaking with anger. Had these idiots trusted me, Amun and Kebi could have been saved!

               “He sentenced them to death, Edward! Is that the same boy then?!” Eleazar demanded.

               “He helped Benjamin and Tia escape! That’s Henry!” I shout back, my teeth bared.

Suddenly, Alice gasps from the ground. Jazz is by her side in a moment, shaking her shoulders. I close my eyes and delve into her mind. After seeing what she did, I fall to my knees. The only time I’ve been this worried is when Bella was dying!

               “Edward?! What is it?!” Bella whispers, close beside me.

               “Alice?! Alice, speak to me!” Jazz whispers to Alice, shaking her slightly.

After a few heart-wrenching seconds, I turn to face my family, my face blank. “Aro will punish Henry for betraying the Volturi,” I mumble.

               “We have to go to him!” Emmett announces, and I was so glad, I could have hugged him to bits.

               “I say we leave him,” Garrett growls, surprising me. He can’t be that heartless!

               “Whether or not you go, I am going to save him,” I reply in a steely whisper.

               “Me too,” Bella seconds.

A heartbeat later, we have a clear division. My entire family is hell bent on getting Henry back alive. Tanya’s family on the other hand seem to be taking their sweet time.

               “I will save Henry!” Tanya announces finally, her voice ringing with authority.

               “Wherever Tanya goes, I go too,” Kate seconded, smiling ferally.

               “Then I am in,” Garrett whispers, worry wrinkling his face.

               “You’ll need all the help you can get,” Eleazar finally announces. Finally!

Before Eleazar could even finish his sentence, Jazz and Emmett have huge backpacks on.

               “What the hell are you guys waiting for?! We make for Volterra, now!” Emmett announces, grinning easily.

Hang in there, Henry...we’re coming. 

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