Chapter 7

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----------- Chapter 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Henry? Are you zoning out again?" Felix asks.

"Hmm? I'm a lot on my mind," I mumble.

I can feel the airplane beginning its decent. Jane and Alec sit across the aisle from Felix and I. They are so excited, their young faces pressed against the window, staring down at majestic Egypt.

"They seem so grown up usually," I murmur to Felix grinning.

"That's just how they pretend to be. They're actually pretty much like children," he shrugs, going back to his book.

How much don't I know about this new coven of mine?

"Henry! You have to see this!" Jane calls, her face bright with excitement.

I grin at her and strain my neck to stare out the window.

She's right, it's beautiful. Maybe if we can wrap things up quickly here, we could explore Egypt a little.

Once the plane lands, the four of us remain seated until the plane is cleared out. Then we make our way to the terminal. The four of us earn looks from every single person we meet. And we don't even have the cloaks on yet. Probably the eyes. I scan through the minds of the people we walk past, and thankfully they are too busy admiring our porcelain, flawless skin to notice our crimson eyes. We quickly manoeuvre our way out of the terminal and keep walking under the blazing heat.

After we are a couple of hundred paces from the terminal the four of us stop to plan out our next step.

"Where do we find this coven?" I ask.

"It won't be hard. Just follow me," Felix murmurs taking the lead.

We walk in silence for a few minutes, and I do mean walk. Ever since becoming part of the Volturi I've barely had the need to run. Everyone walks majestically. It's the pace of the immortals. After all, what's the rush? We have all the time in the world, and nobody can outrun us.

"Is it hard?" Jane suddenly asks, turning towards me.

"Is what hard?"

"The way your family reacted?" she continues.

I can feel a lump form in my throat. "Of course it's hard. That was my family. They constantly promised to look after me and to love me. But it seems like even in an immortal family, the moment you change a little, that's it. I would never have believed my family could be so superficial," I admit quietly.

"That's how I felt when my parents stood aside and allowed Alec and I to be burnt at the stake. They were always telling us how they would do anything for us. Anything at all. They even said they would lay down their lives if need be. But when push came to shove, they just stood there," Jane murmurs, her eyes taking on a faraway look.

"You know, I always thought you were just a heartless bitch!" I admit, grinning at her.

"Yeah, well if you tell anyone I'm not, I'll make sure you see just how heartless I can be," she whispers evilly.

"Oh yeah? What could you do, pip squeak? You can't reach a single strand of my hair," I taunt easily.

"Don't taunt Jane, Henry, it may very well be the last thing you do," Alec warns, amusement on his face.

"Oo! I'm so scared! I fear the wrath of the 5 foot nothing Jane!" I grin again.

"Just you wait, Cullen. I'll castrate you while you sleep. Not like you need it anyway," she spits, grinning.

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