Chapter 9

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--------- Chapter 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Funny...I tried to do the right thing, and I’m going to be punished for it.

We’re in Volterra now, and the Ancients are having a discussion as to my fate. Which means, I’m in my room. The peace before the storm, as some might call it.

Would they kill me though? I’m much too valuable to kill, I think. After all, I read Aro’s mind as he read mine.  He needs me, he wants me.

Just then, there’s a gentle knock on the door, and the door swings open to Felix, Alec and Jane.

               “They won’t kill you,” Jane murmurs easily, sitting on the edge of my bed.

               “Yes, Aro would be crazy to sentence you to death,” Felix agrees sagely.

               “Actually no...Henry’s just proven that he has a heart, literally. Having him round could jeopardise everything. Plus, the Ancients know that Henry is a threat. If he suddenly decides that the Volturi isn’t for him...they wouldn’t let him go,” Alec muses, pacing up and down.

               “Alec!” Jane hisses, her eyes reduced to slits.

               “No...he’s right...I need to leave,” I mumble more to myself.

What the hell am I doing here?! Why did I come back? I can probably outrun most of the guard, and those I can’t, I can take care of.

               “I have to go,” I announce suddenly, jumping off the bed. I give my accomplices a lopsided grin before I’m out the window and running through the streets of Voltera. I didn’t bother with the cloak, I’m never going to need it again. My skin shines slightly, but not enough for anyone to be surprised.

               “Henry?!” Edward’s familiar voice calls as I whirl around to face him. What is he doing here? Alone!

               “Edward...? We have to leave, now,” I murmur, already running again. Edward catches up to me easily and places an arm on my shoulder to stop me. We both come to a halt and I realise I’ve already cleared Volterra.

               “Everyone’s here, Henry. We came to save you,” Edward explains.

               “Everyone?! I only see you, Edward,” I counter, resentment in my voice. My family’s betrayal hurts me to the core.

               “I swear! Everyone is here. We split up the moment we here so we could find you quickly-” Edward explains quickly before the clapping of hands alerts us that we aren’t alone.

               “Touching really...but we have someone up in our quarters,” Santiago jeers.

Edward and I both exchange a glance as Santiago’s thoughts betray him. They have Bella and Tanya. They couldn’t have picked better targets, could they?

               “If you would follow me, gentlemen,” Santiago continues, leading us slowly back through the city proper and into the Volturi castle.

We walk through the antechambers and sewers and all that instead of just taking the front very dramatic. Alec told me the Volturi prefer using the less scenic route as it usually caused fear to their intended victims. Not to me though. Edward and I may be outnumbered, but we’ll come out of this unscathed.

Once we finally reach the throne room, I see Bella and Tanya standing in the middle of the room, with Aro before them, a fake smile on his face. His smile only gets wider when he sees Edward and I walk in.

I take a look around me and do a double take. Almost every single one of the guards are in the room. Aro expects trouble. I guess he knows my family too well. But that isn’t what surprised entire family along with the Denali coven and Demetri are in the room as well.

               “Henry, my boy, how very rude of you to leave us,” Aro murmurs, staring coldly at me.

Edward snarls quietly beside me and his snarl is echoed by Jazz and Em. At least I know I can count on the three of them.

               “Master,” Jane whispers from beside Aro, her eyes torn between him and me, and I give her a curt nod.

She’s as attached to me as she is to Aro thanks to my borrowing Chelsea’s power. Alec and Felix are too. If it comes down to fight, I doubt they would raise a finger against me. And if that is true, I’ve incapacitated three of the strongest Volturi fighters.

               “Step forward and receive punishment Henry, or Bella and your mate will bear the consequences,” Aro threatens, taking a step towards Bella. Edward’s teeth snap together as he crouches down, ready to launch himself. I stop him just in the nick of time.

               “Don’t. He would use any excuse to hurt you. I’m ready Edward,” I murmur walking slowly towards the centre of the room.

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