Chapter 21; Gone

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Song for this chapter; You Found Me by The Fray

(If you're on mobile, you can listen to the song at the same time as reading and that's what it's there for so try it. More emotions are depicted while listening to music. ^_^ )



Everything is just black.

I can't move my body and I can't really see anything. Only a black space in my eyes. All I hear are voices running through my mind, speaking to each other, saying my name. I can't comprehend what they are saying. I remember seeing the bright lights of the ambulance, and flashes of the beams in the hospital. But anything from then on was just darkness.

And I can distinctly remember hearing Kirstie's scream.

That's when things begin to brighten up and my eyes seemingly flutter open. I see a man hovering over me with a pale blue gown that the doctors wear. He probably is the doctor. He looks at me and pulls tongs out with cotton balls soaked in blood. I gag, I hate the sight of blood. I sit up and get off the table, looking at the doctor. I look at my hands and see through them, they're almost ghostly, transparent. I can see the floor beneath me.

It hits me that I'm simply staring at myself on the metal table with doctors surrounding my body. I look dead, blood soaking cloth a nurse uses to clean me up and I'm out of my own body. I can't feel anything. I reach out to touch the doctors arm, to comfort him. But he doesn't acknowledge the fact that I'm touching him. It's like I'm not even there.

I'm just some ghost.

Not having the mind to see how much blood there is, I turn and pass through the door. I simply pass through the solid freaking door. I must be out of body. I've only heard of myths that people experience things like this and I may be one of them.

The hallways are filled with doctors and nurses, they're all talking and it's blurry to hear. Everything moves normally. People walk through me, past me, right in front of me without any idea that I am there. It's all, normal. I begin to freak, feel my nonexistent heart race and my ghostly hands sweat. It's something I could never explain. 

I look all around, not knowing what to search for in a hospital this size. I pace down halls and pass through doors, trying to find some sign of something. Voices are running through my mind, eerily. 

I stop in the middle of four intersecting hallways. Looking up I see a blur, then a clear enough sign to read 'Emergency Waiting Rooms'. The direction pointed straight ahead down a hall and I could help but run. I ran without any sense of hard breathing and being tired. 

I become frantic, searching room to room for Kirstie. 

Where is she? 

Down at the last door, I peek my head in to see Kirstie sitting there with her head in her hands and cries escaping her lips. Her hair is jet black and is a mess. Scott and Mitch surround her and Kevin sits only one seat away, with a look of pain on all of their faces. I know they're trying to comfort her. 

"Sh, it's okay. Stop crying Kirst. You need to calm down." Mitch says, blurry in my hearing. 

All of a sudden, Kirstie looks up and her face carries sadness. The cries stop but the tears still escape her eyes. I walk up to her. 

"Baby..." I whisper, dropping to my knees in front of her.

I reach out and touch her, holding her face in my hands. She doesn't move, doesn't acknowledge my existence. 

"Kirstie I'm right here with you." My voice is ghastly and it echoes through the room. "Kirstie, it's okay." I repeat, leaning in to kiss her forehead. But again, she doesn't move and stays there. 

"This is all my fault."

"No, no it's not sweetheart." I whisper, trying to brush back a piece of hair from her face. But it doesn't move. My hands travel through her eerily. 

This is all like a nightmare but in real life.

This is all a nightmare.

I want to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be okay although I'm unsure of the outcome. I could either pull through this or give up and let myself be this way. But it meant not seeing Kirstie on any physical level.

I had to fight for Kirstie.

"I love you, so much." I say, holding her shoulders, trying to let her know that I was there with her in the waiting room. I was there with her to relieve her of any pain she was going through caused by me.

She begins to sob again and I feel like I should at least do something. But I can't.

All I see is my sight growing small in peripheral vision and Kirstie fades away, far. It's almost like I'm gettig pulled back, taken away from her. I reach for her, calling her name. But she doesn't seem to notice. I shout for her, scream, just trying to let her know that every second then I was there if she needed.

Everything seems to fade away, my sight blackens and I'm pulled back down the hall I came, through the same doors and back into the room where the man in blue stands.

That's when the lights shut out.

And everything is gone.


Sorry it's so short. Promise the next one will be long if ya'll take the time to vote. -Zoe x

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