Chapter 7; Shocked

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I wake up the next morning and my head hurts like a bitch. It's like someone is pounding into my skull. There is a loud knock on my door and I cover my ears with a pillow.

"Ugh, go away!" I shout, angrily. My head hurts more than ever and the knocking continues. I get up with the worst look on my face and pull the door open aggressively. Scott and Mitch stand there with coffee in their hands. "What the fuck do you want!?" I shout. They look at me with attitude all over their faces.

What do you expect from two complete divas?

"Someones angry." Scott says, handing me coffee. Inside, I know he's being nice but I'm always aggrivated after a night of heavy drinking. The two of them come in and Mitch sits on my bed, staring right at me.

"Oh my god." he's laughing and smiling. His eyes are red, like Scott's. You can tell the were hung over, but I they've been so many times it's ridiculous how well they're able to cover it. I'm confused at why the two of them are staring at me with big eyes.

"What?" I snap at them again. They look at each other and look back at me.

"You should go shower." Scott advises. I shrug and chug down the coffee.

I take his advice and get into the bathroom. I don't even want to look at myself. I'm still in my dress and my feet ache from the killer heels I attempted to pull off last night, but it obviously didn't work. I strip and hop into the shower, blasting on the hot water. I'm a bit relaxed and feeling better, a little less hung over. I yawn and my head aches again. I clean myself up and try to remember what happened last night. I remember coming back to the hotel with some guy that totally played a hero. He was nice enough to save me from that creep. After we got into the cab, I don't remember anything from then on. I just woke up ten minutes ago, hung over and most likely -still- drunk just by a little bit. I clean myself up, wash my hair and body and after a long fifteen minute shower, I'm walking out, feeling much better and more awake.

I wrap my body with a large towel and take a small one, drying my hair. Pulling it up into a bun, I can't really see anything because my glasses are somewhere on the sink. I brush my teeth and when I'm finished, I slip my glasses onto my face.

That's when I see a large, dark purple and red spot on my neck.

I scream at the top of my lungs and run out of the bathroom and look at Scott and Mitch who are standing there holding in laughs. I give them a serious look. I point to it with a shaky hand.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me it was there!?" I shout. I look into the mirror of the closet and let out a frustrated noise. "It's huge!"

"Must've said that to the dude you totally fucked last night." Scott sasses. I turn to him with wide eyes.

"Did I have sex with someone?" I ask them seriously. My hands are starting to sweat up and my mind is racing.

"I don't think so." Scott says. I get my clothes and get dressed in the bathroom. Wondering what the hell happened that I ended up with this big o'l hickey on my neck.

"You can cover it with makeup!" he shouts as I'm changing. When I'm done, I look at the time and see that it's already 10 in the morning. I'm happy we have a free day today. Nothing is going on until tomorrow, which gives me enough time to get my act together.

Mitch walks in the bathroom as I'm hastily trying to cover the spot with very heavy concealer. It looks all patchy, but most of it is covered. It's obvious that I have makeup on and Mitch takes foundation and slathers it on me until my skin looks normal again. I sigh in relief. It's noticeable if I look at it close enough. But hopefully it won't be to the others eyes. I even put a scarf on to be sure.

"You look great. I can't even see it anymore." Scott says, reassuringly. This reminds me of prom night with him and Mitch, I remember a big red pimple on my forehead that night and they did me a favor to put makeup on it. I sip at my coffee again and it's almost gone. I know I'll need more.

"Who did I leave the club with?" I ask him. He shrugs and rubs his eyes.

"Honestly, I was way too drunk to see anything. I had to have Esther come pick Mitch and I up."

"Than how can you tell if I just had sex with a stranger or not." I pout in frustration. "I can't even remember anything." Scott shrugs again.

Mitch is standing by the doorway with his phone in his face and telling by the fact that he's not even saying anything, I know he's hiding something. I know him all too well from all the years we've known each other. I'm his best friend for gods sake.

"Mitch." I walk up to him and Scott is right behind me. "Do you know who took me here?"

"No.." he says, not looking at me. I cross my arms and search for his eyes, looking directly into them. He groans and sarcastically being dramatic, flails his arms up. "Okay, okay. I know who took you back." He says.

"Who?" I snap. He sighs.

"You didn't hear this from me and don't get-"

"Say it."


My eyes go wide and my jaw probably breaks into the floor below us. Avi took me back to the hotel? If he couldn't have twisted me more. My eyes fill with tears and I open the door to my hotel, having it slam the wall. Scott and Mitch call for me, yelling down the hall as I get right before Avi and Kevin's hotel dorm room. I pound my fist on the door and stand there, waiting for someone to open it.

When the door swings open, Avi is standing there alread dressed and ready for the day. Before he can ask me why I'm making so much noise on the door, I raise my hand.

And slap him dead on the cheek, as hard as I ever possibly could.

It even stings my hand. He holds his face with a look of aggravation and confusion upon it. His eyes are wide.

"What the fuck was that for!?" he shouts at me, standing above me like some macho man. I step right in front of him, not scared to lash out.

"How the hell could you ever do that to me!?" I shout back. Scott and Mitch are standing a short distance away in the hall and Kevin is standing behind Avi, red eyed and clueless.

"Do what Kirstie?" He asks, toning his voice down. I get right in his face and have tears in my eyes.

"You took advantage of me last night, I was drunk and you totally used me! You know what I'm fucking going through and you have the god damn nerve to just fuck me because you thought I wouldn't remember! You're such a douchebag Avi! I can't believe-"

"You think I had actually had sex with you when you were drunk?" He asks, cutting me off in the middle of my shouting.

"Mitch said you took me from the club." I hiss with the same angry attitude I'm holding. Avi's face goes serious.

"Yeah, I took you back from the club after some son of a bitch was grabbing up on you. You're lucky he didn't attack you. We get into your hotel room and you're all over me. Yeah, I gave you a hickey. I was in the moment much like you were. Blame me if you'd like but if you think I'd be so ignorant as to screwing around with you when you were drunk off your ass like you were last night? I can't even begin to explain how insulting this is that you think I'm so low. I took you back to your room, and made sure you got to bed safely Kirstie. You should be thanking me for keeping you safe." he says with a very sharp and angry tongue.

I'm in utter shock. The soft Kirstie is coming back and I open my mouth. "Avi I-"

"You're welcome." he says sharply again, cutting me off before I can apologize.

He then slams the door right in my face without another word.

I'm left there, shocked.

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