Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


To Sean's surprise when he woke up, the girl didn't left, neither did she tell the police their location. Was Sean expecting a gun pointing at his face? Probably. And he was prepared for it.

She was sleeping soundly on the snowy surface, her nose a little bit red from the weather. Daniel was still asleep, too, and he was still wearing the gloves (Y/n) had gave him. Even though it was a nice of her to give the gloves to Daniel, Sean was still a bit suspicious about the girl. Where did she came from? Why was she there when they jumped off the train? Is she working with the police? All the questions couldn't be answer, and it was too suspicious of him to ask her.

Sean squinted at the bright light that came down from the sky. Sure, it was winter, but the sun still shone bright like it always does. But not with as much warmth.

He took a moment to ponder about the things that had happened yesterday....

Sean put one hand on Daniel's shoulder. "We're not so sure if we can trust her, Daniel," he whispered.

Sean looked back at the girl, whom's hands are near the fire, warming herself up.

Daniel swung out his arms and shook his head. "Yeah, but, Sean! She said she needs our help," he reasoned.

"Look, bro, we," Sean exhaled. "we just ran from the police. Again. They're going to search for us twice as much now. I don't want an innocent person getting involved," he said. "We really don't know who she is, too."

"Um, that's why we get to know her. Also, she's kind of pretty." Daniel giggled.

Sean bad-eyed him and crossed his arms.

"A-and it's what us humans do, you know? We help each other," he innocently tittered. "Umm. I think."

Sean let out a sigh and glanced back at the girl. So all we have to do is get her to a place where's there's a working phone, huh? he thought with his brows furrowed. This is fucking risky ... but Daniel is hella stubborn, he roughly thought. Ah, fuck.

"Fine—" he gave in, "—but don't forget about the rules. Got that?" he reminded Daniel.

Daniel saluted. "Yes, sir!" he quietly exclaimed.

"Guess I better start a fire," Sean said tiredly. He forced himself to stand up. Last night was cold, and Sean wondered if (Y/n) and Daniel handled the weather well.

He groggily gathered up dry woods and placed them in a pile. He flickered his lighter and place the tiny flame into the pile of woods, which quickly blasted into flames afterwards. Dad, this lighter is really getting useful, he thought with a smile.

He clapped off the dirt that may be on his hands. "There."

"Hey..." Sean heard a timid voice behind him.

He turned around and was greeted by (Y/n). She looked cold, and you could see her teeth chattering, although you could tell she was trying to hide it.

He placed his hands near the fire. "Warm yourself up."

Water vapor was seen as they spoke.

(Y/n) slowly walked towards the fire, and it was clear that she was still a bit drowsy. She placed her hands near the fire and a sigh of relief escaped her lips. "Do you guys have anywhere to go?" she spoke, her gaze on the fire.

A light—cool breeze passed them, and it made the fire shivered.

"Wherever the map takes us—South," he said, his eyes wearied. "I guess."

She hid her mouth under her jacket and whispered, "Oh."

It was silence for a bit; not the place, but just the two of them.
This is awkward, Sean thought and glanced at (Y/n). She looked back, which caused Sean's reflexes to look away.

"I have some food in my backpack that may be enough for you and Daniel," she offered. "I was planning on telling yesterday, but it was bedtime, so..."

He looked back at her."What about you?"

"I'm not hungry right now. It's not much, but it'll probably fill you guys up until noon. It's just snacks."

"It's alright; I could go without food for awhile. You and Daniel can have it."

Sean unintentionally looked at her eyes and saw that they were puffy. He examined closer, trying not to be obvious. Did she cry all night yesterday? he wondered.
"Um, uh. So we're going to get moving today, so hopefully we'll find that phone so you can call your family," Sean said with quiet empathy.
(Y/n) hid the bottom of her eyes with her hands and nodded. "Thanks."

"Sean!" Daniel whined as he tugged onto Sean's backpack. "I have to pee!"

Sean let out a tired, irritated sigh. They were almost out of the woods, but it would be for awhile if Daniel keeps up with his pestering.

"Go pee over there where we can't see you, but don't go too far," said Sean.

Daniel dashed away.

(Y/n) wrinkled her nose and breathed in. "Achoo!" She sniffed and wiped her nose with her jacket. She then sneezed again.
"You okay there?" Sean asked. He stepped closer to (Y/n) with a concern look.
"Kind of dying, but I'm okay," she joked and sniffed again.
"Winter is almost over, hang in there."
"It's okay, I don't get sick easily. I think."
"I should probably ask Daniel to give the gloves back—"
"No!" (Y/n) abruptly interrupted. "He doesn't have to, really. He needs it more than me."
        Sean quickly understood and nodded. "Well if you say so, but if you sneeze again, I'll have to force those gloves off of him," he joked.

"Then I'll make sure to hold it in," she joked back.

Both of them quietly laughed.
It's great to have someone my age to talk with during this shit journey, he thought and lowered his eyes. I miss my friends.

(Y/n) looked at Sean, and fidgeted with her hands before speaking. "Hey Sean—"

"I'm back!" Daniel interrupted.

Sean ignored Daniel. "Uh, what were you going to say?"

(Y/n) chuckled and shook her head. "Nothing. Let's go."

Sean gave her a curious look. "Okay."

They reached a small place where there was a little stop-and-go market. This small store reminded Sean the time back then at the gas station. It was a horrific experience.

"I think there might be a phone in there," (Y/n) said as she walked faster towards the place.

Sean panicked and quickly grabbed onto her arm. Her head jolted back to Sean, and her eyes widened.
"Uhh," he awkwardly muttered out. What should I say? I can't tell her that we're hiding out. Fuck. Think of something, Sean! He hesitantly looked at (Y/n). Her face was tinted red, her eyes big.

"I-if you don't want to go in, I'll go by myself. No worries!" she quickly said, and she politely pulled her arm away. "B-bye!" she blurted out hastily ran towards the store.

"Sean, is she sick? Her face was really red just now," asked Daniel.

Sean glanced at (Y/n), who had frantically ran away. Somehow, he couldn't help it but chuckle. "I'm not sure."

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