Important Note!

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⚠️Life is Strange 2 Episode 5 Spoilers⚠️

The finale of Life is Strange 2 left me completely distraught and broken,
so I'm still trying to recover from that. 🙂
But at the same time, my experience with LIS2 had been absolutely wonderful, and I'm so glad I played the game, and I'm also so glad you guys are able to experience LIS2's amazing story, too. ❤️
Thank you, Dontnod.

On to the important note:
So, I'm already planning my next story so I could give it to you guys right after this story finishes. But I would like to know what you guys want : ^ )! As you can see... um, the new Daniel is kind of hot. New Daniel is at least 16 or 17, so I can say that, okay! Lmao.

So, I was wondering if you guys want a book about Daniel (where the two brothers goes to Mexico together, cause you guys are crazy if y'all think I'd write a LIS2 book without Sean Diaz, ahem, lone wolf ending) or Sean. For Sean, I discovered a new plot that won't be the same as other fan fictions.

If no one votes, I will decide upon myself, lol! But I will really hear out what you guys, my lovelies, has to say and what you want to read next. 💚

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