Chapter 19

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A/n: Disclaimer! When I first started this book I honestly didn't plan anything except the plot: Reader gets sucks in to the Life is Strange 2 game and reader and Sean falls in love. Now I'm in pretty deep. Honestly, old me putting all these events together in the past is affecting present me greatly because I have no idea how to move the plot forward in a logical sense! So if these chapters seems pretty impossible, I have to do it for the book's sake lol. (But it's not going to be extreme.)

And I'm rusty at writing at the moment so this chapter might not be the best, but enjoy.

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Chapter 19


(Y/n) and Sean had spent time resting. A few minutes had gone by or so—but it probably was hours and her time with Sean just seemed too short.

When one is with someone they cherish time seems to ran faster. And that's unfair, because the clocks are always slow at ugly times.

Time has always been an enemy.

(Y/n) struggled against the old prickly ropes around her brittle wrists. Her fear was so strong that the physical pain doesn't seem to do her bad. Sweaty strands of hair
slid down her face as her head drooped forward with exhausting breaths of stress.

The rusty door opened with a quick squeak like a mouse. The little noise was enough to triggered her with a little jump of the shoulders. She closed her eyes, and her mouth frowned.

"Look at me," the voice said, approaching.

She looked up. A frightening gasp escaped her lips.

His eyes were so wide opened that it looked like it was bulging out. The little distance between them made (Y/n) saw his vivid veins on the sclera. His whole face was swollen and scratched, and the glass pierced on his face was almost scratching (Y/n)'s. His face was Holden.

He let out slow, unsteady breaths and smiled. Impossibly widely, like his mouth was forcefully stretched.

"I will be there," he whispered sinisterly.

His hands fiercely grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulders, and in a swift motion, he violently pushed her head back to the wall.

(Y/n) woke up with a jump. Fuck! she first thought.

Quivering breaths slipped out of her mouth as she looked around frantically. It was the abandoned shed she and Sean found. She gulped and closed her eyes. It's okay, she reassured. It's okay.

"(Y/n)?" Sean said. His voice was barely awake. He rubbed his eyes and tried to make her out with the morning light that was barely in the shed. "Shit," he whispered and frowned. "What's wrong?" He leaped to her side and grabbed her by the shoulders.

Her eyes widened. "No!" she screamed and pushed herself back.

Sean was taken aback. He willingly put his hands back to his side.

(Y/n)'s hands trembled. "I'm sorry," she exhaled. "It's just that—" She gathered her thoughts. "—I saw him, Sean. Holden was in my dreams! A-and he looked like this monster! He grabbed me! Pushed me—" Her voice faltered and she almost choked because she had so much to blurt.

"Hey, hey, it's fine now," Sean assured. He reached out his arms for her.

(Y/n) jumped into his arms and hugged him tight.

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