when you're ready

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Hey guys, I've decided to start this book for random Shawn Mendes imagines that pop up in my head when I'm bored. You can comment requests for prompts and such, but I don't really plan on doing personal requests where like I put in peoples names or whatever. Hope u enjoy :)

Summary: Shawn's interview makes you realize how stupid you've been.

y/n=your name
y/bf/n= your best friend's name

"Y/n, I just saw Shawn on the TV!" My best friend yells from the living room of our dorm as I stand in the kitchen, taking a small tub of coffee ice cream out of the freezer. Me and y/bf/n had been going to the same music college in Toronto together for a year now, and we were basically attached at the hip.

"Turn it up!" I reply, sticking a spoon in my mouth and walking into the living room with the ice cream in hand.

Me and Shawn had been friends for around a year, and we were very close. We had met at a random party where I had been invited due to my internship at a record label, and Shawn had been invited because—duh. He's Shawn Mendes.

We had hit it off immediately, discussing music and realizing how many friends we had in common, and it wasn't long until we knew each other well.

While I had always thought that Shawn was amazing, let alone pretty easy on the eyes, I never thought it was a good idea to try to start a relationship with him. I didn't want to mess up the friendship we had for some random hookup, and besides, I didn't think Shawn wanted things to change between us either. We had mentioned our feelings in the past, but I cut the conversation short, since I was afraid of making things awkward between us. Our unspoken understanding was that there was definitely something felt between us, and maybe we'd act on it someday, but it was too soon to be sure it would go well. We didn't want to ruin what we had.

I glance up at the TV where we have the recording of Brit Awards playing, shots of different celebrities on the red carpet flashing on the screen.

"It showed a picture of him a second ago, I swear." My best friend groans, turning up the volume.

"It's fine, he told me he gets interviewed towards the beginning." I chuckle, sitting down on the couch and opening the ice cream.

We sit for a few minutes, watching different celebrities waving to the cameras, the two of us commenting on the outfits every now and then. However before we know it, Shawn is up on the screen with an interviewer from the show.

"Oh, there he is!" My friend grins, me chuckling at her enthusiasm. She had always been the more bubbly one.

"Hey guys, I'm Alexis Smith, here at the 2019 Brit Awards, with none other than Shawn Mendes! Shawn, how are you feeling?" The interviewer says into her microphone, me looking at Shawn's outfit. I had seen some pictures online and on his Instagram and such, but I still am taken aback by how nice he looks in the suit.

"Oh, I'm so excited to be here. I'm seeing so many amazing people." Shawn smiles, the interviewer holding the microphone up to him.

"Oh, totally. Who's someone you've been especially excited to meet?"

"Oh, I have to find Dolly tonight, I am so excited to meet her." Shawn replies, the interviewer laughing with a nod.

I chuckle at the screen, the interviewer asking him a few questions about his album as I pull up snapchat on my phone. I take a quick video of him on the screen, writing "wow who's that???" as the caption, sending it to Shawn with a smile before turning my phone back off.

 I take a quick video of him on the screen, writing "wow who's that???" as the caption, sending it to Shawn with a smile before turning my phone back off

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