rock star

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Summary: You and Shawn get ready for the Grammys ;) Also excuse how long this is, and excuse how little I know about fashion and makeup lmao I tried

Y/n = your name

I wake up in our hotel in LA, sunlight peeking through the blinds as I hear cars going by out on the street below. I feel Shawn's strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, his lips resting on the top of my head as he breathes evenly into my hair.

I smile softly at the butterflies in my stomach from being so close to him, a feeling that had never left despite having been with him for almost a year.

I roll over onto my other side so that I'm facing him, a low whine in protest coming from his partially unconscious state, his arms pulling me tightly close to him.

"Mornin, pop star," I say softly, planting a soft kiss on his nose, then his cheek, then the corner of his mouth, a small closed mouth smile spreading on his lips as his eyes open halfway.

"Mm, hey baby.." Shawn murmurs groggily, wrapping his arms over my shoulders, pulling me into his chest.

"We gotta get up soon.. We have to meet the stylists in like an hour." I breathe out, draping my arms over Shawn's shoulders and pulling myself up so our faces are level.

"What? That's not till noon."

"We slept till eleven, babe." I chuckle softly, Shawn glancing over at the clock and groaning.

"Five more minutes.." Shawn murmurs, placing a soft kiss on my smiling lips, and then one on my cheek before pulling me into his chest again. I surrender this time with a small giggle, placing a soft kiss on his bare chest and hooking my leg over his.

We lay like this for a few minutes, his tattooed hand stroking soft circles on my waist as I gently scratch his back, the way that always soothes him.

Shawn had always been in love with my touch, and not only in the way that immediately pops into one's mind. He loved the way I absentmindedly played with his hair, rubbed small circles with my thumb on the back of his hand when I held it, rested my foot on his under dinner tables, or really did any thoughtless contact.

After a few moments of this I decide to speak up again before Shawn falls back asleep.

"Okay, c'mon. We need to get ready." I say with an exhale, rubbing his side once before sitting up.

"Get ready?" Shawn replies, turning over onto his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows, looking up at me as I tie up my hair with my scrunchie. "We're paying the stylists to get us ready."

"Well we do still have to go to their place, and considering we're both in our underwear, I think some getting ready is in order." I reply as I finish my messy bun, reaching a hand forwards and absentmindedly running it through Shawn's brown curls.

"I think it's a crime for you to wear anything but underwear." Shawn murmurs with a grin, pulling me towards him by the hand.

"Oh, really?" I lean in with a smile, kissing his lips softly, his hand traveling up to the side of my face.

"Mm, okay.." I hum against his lips, pulling away as he pouts up at me. "For real. You got a Grammy to win."

"God, don't jinx it." Shawn grins, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "This is insane."

"I know, right? I can't believe I'm with someone nominated for a grammy." I reply with a chuckle, standing and pulling on some sweat-shorts. "You deserve it, though. Not a doubt in my mind."

"C'mere.." Shawn smiles softly up at me, taking my hand and pulling me towards him, wrapping his arms around my waist as he sits on the bed. He rests his cheek up against my bare stomach, me placing one hand on his shoulder as my other plays with his curls. Shawn places a soft kiss on my abdomen before nuzzling into me again."I love you. So much."

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