miss you more

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Summary: You surprise Shawn on tour.

Key: Y/n = your name

It had been almost two months since I had seen Shawn, and it was becoming unbearable to be away from him.

He had been of on tour for what felt like an eternity, and while he was of course having an amazing time, he took any opportunity to tell me how much he missed me—and the feeling was mutual.

I had been sulking around our shared condo wearing his hoodies, listening to his music, texting and calling him at any chance I got. I tried to hold back a bit, since I wanted him to have a great time with his friends in Europe, but he certainly didn't hold back.

I'd get texts and calls from him any time he had a chance to step away, even if it was 3 am my time. He'd call me whining about missing me, begging to fly me out, wishing I could have come.

Of course I had wanted to come—it would have been an absolute dream to be by his side while he did what he loved. However, I was in school, and skipping two months of classes wasn't exactly something I could just up and do.

So here I find myself, trudging around in my kitchen at 2 in the morning, looking for some sort of late night snack to keep me occupied.

I open the freezer, my hand covered by the sleeve of one of Shawn's hoodies as it was way too big for me. I spot a carton of ice cream, so I take it out and grab a spoon before heading to me and Shawn's bedroom.

I fall back on the sheets and pull the comforter over my bare legs, grabbing the remote and flipping through channels until I find a friends rerun. I start eating the ice cream, the blankets and Shawn's hoodie swallowing me whole.

I watch and eat for a few minutes, eyelids becoming heavy and head feeling delirious out of sleep deprivation. I don't laugh like I normally would along to the jokes on the show, finding myself too occupied with thinking about the empty space beside me in the bed.

I rub my eye and lean over to set my ice cream on my bedside table, as I suddenly hear my phone start buzzing.

I plop down the ice cream carton and pick up my phone immediately, a woozy smile spreading on my face when I see Shawn's cute grin on my phone's screen, the words reading "Baby💕 would like to FaceTime". Yeah, I hated myself for using the nickname, but Shawn had relentlessly called me baby from the second we were official, and it had kind of grown on me.

I pick up the call and see Shawn saying something to someone briefly before his full attention is pulled to the screen. I grin lazily at him, his smile growing impossibly bigger at the sight of me.

"Hey, honey." I say, my cheeks flushing at how adorable he is.

"Hey, babygirl. God, you look so cozy. 'S that my hoodie?" Shawn asks me sweetly.

"Yeah. Doesn't smell like you anymore." I jokingly pout, a radiating look of endearment on Shawn's face as he chuckles.

"I miss you so much, baby. Wish you were here." Shawn says softly, his smile a bit smaller as the endearment remains in his eyes.

"Me too, I hate that I can't be there." I reply with a sigh, scratching my nose. "So what're you doing right now?"

"Well, it's like 9 in the morning, and we wanted to get up to go see the city. We're in this really cute coffee shop right now." Shawn smiles, looking around. "I bet you'd love it."

"I'm sure I would." I smile softly.

"God, I miss you. I know I said that already, but I'm dying over here. I can't wait to see you again. It can't come soon enough." Shawn sighs, my heart leaping at his statement. I feel bad that the distance is paining him badly, but a little part of me is glad that he's missing me as much as I miss him.

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