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Summary: A semi long one shot based on the lyrics of Nervous

Y/n = your name

I take a small sip from the plastic cup I hold in my hand, sitting on Brian's couch next to my best friend Camila. I feel the vibrations of the music in my chest, sending ripples in my drink. The atmosphere of the party feels happy and relaxed, conversation throughout the apartment despite there not being many people there. The air smelled of different colognes and like the rain that was coming down outside, and I felt completely and utterly at peace.

I wasn't drunk—maybe a little buzzed—but I knew I still had my inhibitions. I had to remind myself that no, the knot in my stomach wasn't from the alcohol, because I had been feeling it since the second I met eyes with that tall and built brunette when I walked in the party. And at that point, not a drop of alcohol had graced my tongue.

I wanted to blame the rosiness on my cheeks on the beer I had been sipping, but I knew I was lying to myself. I had always been able to hold my liquor, but stolen glances from this Shawn guy was something I didn't have quite as strong a grasp on.

Shawn was someone I knew in the strangest of ways. He was friends with just about all of my friends, and we had spoken a few times, but we didn't know each other well. I wouldn't call him a close friend, but the wordless exchanges we'd share whenever we were in the general vicinity of each other spoke more than any conversation could.

His eyes meeting mine across the room, his hand brushing mine as he handed me something, the way he'd smile at me softly when I was telling a story to our friends—it all had me weak at the knees. And while we had met only a few times, tonight was one of the first ones where I felt like I had the confidence to make a move, and he looked like he felt the same way. We weren't in a big group, we weren't in public, we weren't drunk—we were just two people, right here in this room.

I glance at him for a moment as he laughs at something Josiah says, his soft cheeks rosy as his pearly white grin spreads on his face. I can't help but wonder how soft his curls would feel if I ran my fingers through them, for they looked angelically soft as they fell over his forehead. I loved the black V neck he had on, how it accentuated his built shoulders and how he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The jewelry he had on was also undeniably sexy—the ring on his right hand that he'd fiddle with as he spoke, the small hoop in his cartilage piercing and the little stud in his lobe.

I chuckle and take another sip of my drink as the laughter dies down, Zubin butting in with the beginning if another story. I glance back up at Shawn through the tops of my eyes to see him staring back at me with a darkened gaze, his chestnut eyes speaking to me in every language. He shoots me a small smile when he sees me looking back at him, one that I return before turning and paying attention to Zubin's story.

It was almost like we were dancing around each other, waiting for the other person to give in. Even the first time we met, we both knew something was there. I had heard he asked about me, but I was timid. I wanted him to cave first.

~3 months earlier~

"Come on y/n, I know you're new to the whole big group of friends thing, but I swear you'll like all the people there." Camila chuckles as the two of us walk to the bar where we're meeting a bunch of Camila's friends. "Brian and Zubin will be there, you'll be fine. We're literally almost there, you might as well try to have a good attitude about it since there's no getting out of it now."

"I'm only going to this thing so you don't get blackout drunk, Cam." I reply, my ponytail swinging as I walk. I had put on a pretty drab outfit in comparison to Camila, her yellow sun dress and sandals making my shorts and Led Zeppelin tank top pretty drab in comparison.

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