all i've ever wanted *

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Here's some more smut for y'all bc that's what gets me the most votes lmao. Y'all nasty. And dad I'm really sorry for this HA

Summary: Your bf cheats, so your best friend Shawn comes over to comfort you. You soon realize who you should have been with all along.

Also kiddos please use protection IRL!!! even if you are on the pill! I just rlly didn't feel like working in the putting on a condom part lmao but I do not endorse unsafe sex!!

I felt like I had no one.

Here I sit on my bed, home alone for the night, tears streaming down my face. I'm cross legged on top of my sheets, an open notebook in front of me and my guitar in my lap.

Whenever I felt like the world was crashing down, i turned to music. I'd write a song. I'd sing out the words that came from deep in my throat, choking them out as my tears flowed.

I had just broken up with my boyfriend—if I could even call him that—of five months, after finding out he had been cheating on me with just the girl I was worried about. It hadn't taken much prying to get him to admit it, however his excuse was that he didn't think I took our relationship so seriously. This wasn't until after he sent me a playlist he made for me, hung out with me every weekend, and nearly took my virginity.

I had told him I wanted to take it slow and made sure he understood, and he acted as if he did. But clearly he couldn't hold back for more than a couple months. I had thought he'd be the one I'd lose it to, but it never felt right. And maybe I was thankful for that—but that didn't make it hurt any less.

I scrawl the last word of a line in my notebook, sniffling and wiping my face briefly with my sleeve. I looked a mess—my hair in total disarray, a puffy face, lashes webbed with tears.

I start to softly strum, my broken and hiccuping voice trying to sing the first verse of the song.

And after I choke out the first couple lines, I hear my phone start to ring.

I stop playing the song and pick up my phone, looking at its screen to see a familiar face.

My best friend since fifth grade, Shawn. His goofy grin lights up my screen, frosting on his nose from the time we made cookies together for a class bake sale.

I take a deep, shaky breath, picking up the phone and trying to sound as fine as possible.

"Hey, what's up?" I say, but I can't help but let out a slight warble.

There's a brief silence.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"

"What'd you mean? I'm fine." I say with a sniffle, running a hand through my hair and trying to convince myself the same thing.

"I know you're not." Shawn days after a brief silence. "Are you at your moms or dads?"

"Dads. Why?"

"I'm coming over."

"Shawn, you don't have to—"

"Yes I do. Clearly you're not okay." Shawn chuckles mirthlessly, and I can hear him rustling for his keys in the background. "If you wanna be alone just let me know, but I'm at least gonna bring you your favorite snacks, okay?"

I take a shaky breath, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Shawn, I don't fucking deserve you."

"Yes you do. I'll be there in fifteen."


I trudge down the hall when I hear the doorbell, blanket wrapped around my shoulders, surely looking like an entire mess. And god knows Shawn would be standing there looking perfect, as always.

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