late *

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Summary: Shawn makes you late for work.

Y/n = your name

I wake up with a start to the sound of my phone's alarm beeping from my bedside table, the familiar unsettling sound combined with my tiredness placing a knot in my stomach. I glance at the time on my phone: 7:15.

I sigh as I reach over and turn off the alarm, Shawn lying dead asleep beside me, hardly having flinched at the alarm. His strong arms are wrapped around my waist as he holds me flush against him from behind, his lips and nose on the back of my head as he breathes evenly into my hair.

Shawn had a day off from managing the music store he worked at, and was planning on staying in all day and working on his songs. He had been pouty the night before about how I refused to call in sick from my job so I could lay around with him.

It takes all of my willpower to pry myself from his comfortable embrace, a small whine coming from his closed mouth. I stand up and turn towards him to see him still asleep, his arms sprawled out where my  body had just been. A slight pout is spread across his sleeping face, and I lean down to place a soft kiss on his head before I unplug my phone and walk to my mirror.

I glance in the mirror, taking out the messy bun I slept in. I decide that wearing nothing but one of Shawn's shirts and a pair of underwear isn't exactly proper attire for teaching a room of teenagers, so I walk to my dresser to find a better outfit.

I had been teaching high school art for almost two years now, and I really loved it. Art was my favorite thing in the world, and being able to pass on fascinating information to growing young adults made me feel like I was really contributing to the world. Even though they were pains in the ass sometimes.

Shawn and I had met when I was in my second year of college, on my way to my teaching degree. He had been at a music college studying guitar and voice, but he got a minor in business and hoped to own his own music store one day.

We had now been together for five years, and married for only seven months. My parents had initially thought that 24 was too young to be married, but they came around when they saw how happy Shawn made me.

I take a pair of skinny jeans and a button down from my dresser, taking my combat boots out of my closet and taking the outfit into the bathroom. I don't bother to shut the bathroom door as I notice that my mess of a hairdo could use a wash, so I decide to take a quick shower before I have to go to school.

I walk over to the shower and turn on the hot water, walking back to the mirror and pulling Shawn's shirt off over my head while waiting for the water to heat up. I take out my makeup so that it's ready for when I get out of the shower, pulling my panties off as I see the steam from the shower start to fog up the mirror.

I take off my bracelets that I always seem to have on and step into the shower, the hot water hitting my skin and helping wake me up.

I put my head under the water, getting all of my hair wet as I massage my scalp. I close my eyes as the warm water satisfies me and gets my blood flowing, my mind so occupied with the calm water that I'm taken by complete surprise when I hear a voice.

"Baby.." Shawn's groggy voice is suddenly in the bathroom.

"What're you doing in here?" I chuckle, peeking my head out from behind the curtain.

"Getting in with you."

"No you're not," I shake my head, "I need to wash my hair. I don't have much time. We'd get sidetracked.."

"I won't. I promise. I can wash your hair." Shawn pleads, pouting at me a little.

"Fine.. but seriously, I can't be late.."

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