yours (gryffindor!shawn)

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Summary: part 2 to promise—where they actually go to the ball. essentially fluff.

Y/n = your name

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Ella says flatly, face inches from mine as she drags an eyeliner pencil around my eyes. I fight the urge to blink, looking up and biting the inside of my cheek.

"Just don't make it too bold, is all I'm saying." I respond, Ella pulling away and looking at her work as I look at her.

"Why would I go bold?"

"Have you seen your own eyeliner?"

Ella glances in the mirror across from her in the Slytherin dormitories, looking at her jet black winged eyeliner and shrugging. "Fair enough. But, I'm using brown liner on you. And beigey shadows. I think it looks good. Natural."

"Okay, thanks."

"Wanna do the mascara yourself?"


I take the wand from Ella's hand, walking up to the mirror and looking at the makeup she did. She used bronze shadows and highlighter to accentuate my features, dark brown liner winged out a little.

"This looks really good, El." I smile softly at my reflection, before starting to open the mascara wand. "Where did you learn to do makeup?"

"I haven't done it a lot, but I draw women with blended eyeshadows so much that I figured I could do it." Ella shrugs, sitting on my bed and looking at the olive green dress I have laid out. "Anyways, when are you meeting your golden boy?"

"He's got a name." I say with a chuckle. "But I don't really know. He said I could come take pictures with him in the courtyard before, but I don't know. I might meet him there."

"What? Why?" Ella furrows her brows. "You're such a spaz. He obviously wants you there, just go."

"Well, I don't wanna impose. His friends and their dates are probably gonna be there, and I don't know.." I shrug off, finishing with the mascara and closing it. I hand it to Ella, picking up my dress.

"Oh, come on. You've been dating that kid for awhile now, you and I both know he's gonna act like a kicked puppy if you don't take cute little pictures with him." Ella rolls her eyes as I step into my dress. "When are you supposed to be in the courtyard?"

"Um.." I pull my dress on all the way, looking at the clock before replying. "Now. Can you zip me up?"

"Wait, now?" Ella furrows her brows. "So he's sitting down there like a kicked puppy already?"

"Yeah, I guess the deed is done then."

"Hey, stop. Y/n, just go. It'll make his year." Ella rolls her eyes, zipping my dress.

"I just... I don't know. I don't want people.. looking at me. With the judgement, and the side eye.. I'm so sick of it." I plop down on my bed, green skirt pooling around my legs. I look down, playing with the fabric between my fingers. "I don't belong there. I belong up here, studying and petting my cat. I know that and they know that."

"Y/n, would you shut up already?" Ella rolls her eyes, sitting beside me. "You can't let those assholes get to you. Shawn wants you there, and if any of his friends are decent people, they will too."

"I know. It's just hard." I sigh, rubbing my nose.

"Just don't cry and mess up the makeup, okay?" Ella chuckles, me smiling as she nudges my shoulder. "You're gonna be fine. Shawn is crazy about you, you guys have been inseparable for the past couple weeks."

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