is this okay?

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Summary: You're sick, Shawn takes care of you. Fluuuuuuffffff. Writing this from his pov and in the third person which i haven't done yet but y'all won't care either way so

Also A/N damn it's been awhile idk why but I pulled this outta my ass so enjoy

Shawn was worried.

Worried had almost been an understatement—he couldn't get Y/n off of his mind. Not that this was out of the ordinary, but now it wasn't just thoughts of longing—it was concern.

Y/n and Shawn went to college together, both of them Sophomores, and they had become pretty close friends. Sure, Y/n was utterly clueless that Shawn was head over heels for her, but he was far too nervous to work up any sort of nerve to ask her out. He usually had something in the realm of game, but she really did something to him.

So naturally, the psych class that Shawn and Y/n both had was the highlight of Shawn's day. The two of them would sit together, share notes, show each other new music by each taking one earbud and taking turns queuing songs. Shawn couldn't get enough of her, her soft hair slipping from it's loose braid, her reading glasses falling down her nose, the sleeves of her oversized sweater falling over her hands as she scribbled down notes.

Y/n was an attentive student, had never missed a class—which brings us to why Shawn was worried.

It was a Monday, and Shawn had walked in excited to see her face as usual—but she was nowhere to be found. This surprised him, but he tried not to overthink it. He decided she maybe had an appointment, or she had an errand to run.

However when she missed Tuesday as well, that's when he started to worry. And when he asked a couple friends and they were as clueless as he was, he started to worry more. And as she went longer and longer without responding to his messages, he didn't think it was possible to worry any more.

So here he was on Wednesday, early in the morning, walking up to her dorm to see if she was just there the whole time. He figured it probably wasn't the case, but he thought he might as well check it first.

Shawn steps out of the stairwell and into the hallway where Y/n's dorm is, running a hand through his brown curls nervously. He hopes it isn't weird that he came to see her, but he couldn't stop himself.

Shawn plays with the drawstrings on his university hoodie, approaching her door in anticipation. However, he furrows his brows when he sees the door open a crack.

Shawn pushes it open slightly, knocking on the door frame and looking into the dorm.


Shawn turns his head as he hears the congested voice, seeing Y/n, sitting up on her couch, a massive comforter wrapped around her frame, her nose bright red and her eyes tired. He notices used tissues littered around the floor near her, a cup of tea on the coffee table as well as piles of homework.

"Y/n, are you sick?"

"Maybe." Y/n says with a sniffle, clearly a little loopy from the sickness and the lack of sleep. "What're you doing here, don't you have class?"

"Not for an hour." Shawn shakes his head. "I wanted to check on you, you weren't at class and you weren't answering my messages." 

"Oh, s.. sorry." Y/n slurs, rubbing her eye. "I don't really know where my phone is."

"Oh, alright.." Shawn looks around at the piles of work, furrowing his brows, "What's all this?"

"Homework." Y/n sniffles, "I've missed two days and I'm almost caught up. Hopefully I'll make it to class today."

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