promise (gryffindor!shawn)

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Summary: you never wanted to go to the yule ball—with a champion, no less—but here he was, and fuck was he cute.

I might make a part 2 to this because it became longer than I expected lol

Y/n=your name
Y/l/n=your last name

I had never been one to have many friends.

It was true, I'd be seen with my one friend Ella, the two of us often seen studying potions or drinking firewhisky in the corridor by the divination room—but to most, I was just that scary slytherin chick with the evil family.

My father was in azkaban—a fact known by just about everyone—and my mother had gone mad serving the dark lord. She was in a hospital, and couldn't remember who I was. What people didn't know, however, was that I hardly knew my parents, having lived with my uncle—a hufflepuff with a hippogriff stable behind his cottage—for almost my whole life.

Yet all anyone saw in me was evil. Daughter of a killer, destined to be a death eater. There were rumors I already had the dark mark tattooed on my arm and covered it with makeup—rumors I didn't care to debunk. People could think what they wanted, I knew I'd never be seen as normal. I had Ella to hang out with, as well as my black cat Morrissey—and what else does a girl need, really?

However, I'd occasionally be used for my skills in potions, which was a subject I excelled at—which often caused dimwit Gryffindors to ask me to help them. I'd usually say no, except when they'd pay me. But I had gotten to a point where I never trusted anyone trying to get close to me—they all seemed to be using me for something. Except Ella, she had been there for too long for it to be fake.

So here me and Ella stand, on the fifth of December, shivering out in the snow with the rest of the seventh years, waiting until we could start heading to Hogsmeade.

Ella lets out a shudder, hands tucked in her large black overcoat as we wait to be counted by Professor McGonnagal.

I sort through a couple of potions textbooks with a sigh, a cloud of steam coming from my lips as I almost drop one of the texts with my gloved hands. I had decided to catch up on some studies, maybe while sipping a warm butterbeer in a corner booth at the Leaky Cauldron.

"I don't know why you're choosing to study instead of shopping like a normal teenager." Ella tucks a blunt lock of her black bob behind her ear. I shrug, glancing around the crowd of jittery teenagers.

"Potions are interesting, sue me." I say sternly, putting the books in my black messenger bag and throwing it over my shoulder. "It's cold, I'm tired. I don't feel like rushing around in the cold."

"But if I'm your safety buddy then I have to stay with you." Ella whines, me sighing with a chuckle.

"We can spend half of the time walking around, okay? Just let me be lame for a little while."

"Ugh.. fine."

"Alright, attention students.." McGonnagal calls, everyone quieting down after a few moments. "Everyone seems to be here, so we can start heading towards the village. Stay with your partner for safety, and Flitwick will be in the back keeping you all in line."

We all start to walk, the chatter starting up again. I hug my brown coat around myself, unruly locks of hair escaped from my loose braid and blowing in my face. However I furrow my brows when I hear a familiar—yet foreign—voice.

"Hey, Y/n!"

I turn my head around as I hear Shawn calling my name, jogging towards me with that goofy grin. He's wearing a fitted beige jacket, his Gryffindor scarf, and snow boots. He looks annoyingly cute, his cheeks flushed from the cold, a black beanie sitting atop his brown curls.

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