4. Your Hand Slipped (part 1)

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Hi guys, well i don't want to talk but ya I have a lot of homework this quarter (3rd quarter)and have even more on the last with all of the tests. Hope you like the chapter. Love ya all!

Credit: Remilla 


You groaned. Again. For the third time.

You were sitting on a cushioned chair on the back porch watching your baby brother and (D/N) play around in the leaf piles your father raked up. He crunched leaves beneath his tennis shoes, leaves sticking to his black jeans.

Since your dad was currently at work and your mom went grocery shopping to pick up missing ingredients needed for dinner tonight, you were left in charge of the house until she returns. You had to walk your brother home after the school bus dropped him off by a stop sign. (B/N) wanted to play outside so you had to supervise him.

You slouched in your seat. You've been in a terrible mood since you woke up from your nap earlier. The reason obviously being your date with Fazbear. 

You tried your best to ignore it. Nothing worked so far. You were wearing a different scarf. Instead of a plaid one, it's a black fringed scarf around your neck. Your watch rested on the table in front of you.


3:11 P.M. About nine hours until hell. Let's see you bullshit your way out of this one. You won't be able to. Can't raise any more suspicion with those animatronics, they already find you strange. You swear if they even start anything you were gonna sta-

"(Y/N)! Come play with us!" Your thoughts were interrupted by your little brother calling out to you. He waved his hand to catch your attention. He was wearing a red sweater with a bright smiley face on it with bubble letters that reads 'SMILE!'. 

It accurately represents your little brother's entire personality. A white collar from the shirt underneath poked out from the neck of the sweater. 

Your mom made (B/N) bundle up a little before heading off to school since it was pretty chilly this morning.

Your dog was rolling around in leaves, getting yard debris all over his fur. He was going to need a bath after today.

You couldn't help but giggle. It was cute. Somehow, your brother's bubbly personality can always lift your spirits. "Alright, here I come!" You shouted as you jumped out of your seat, running down the stairs and charging towards your brother with a playful roar.

Your brother screams as you grabbed him, picking him up and swinging him around. He laughed, kicking his feet around.

Your dog barked, running around you with his tail swaying, leaf debris flying everywhere.


"And since we finished our work early, we had recess for the rest of the day!!" Your brother was telling your mom after she returned from the grocery store about his day at school.

Your mom was wearing an apron as she began cutting potatoes. She smiled pleasantly.

"Wow, that sounds wonderful, (B/N)! I'm happy you finished your assigned work. You've earned it."

Your little brother was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, beaming. He was proud of himself.

"(Y/N) honey, how was the talk with Mr. Fazbear? Did you meet and befriend anyone yet?" Your mother called out to you, placing the sliced potatoes in a pot.

You were currently lounging on the couch, flipping through channels. "Eh? Oh. It was alright. I became friends with Lisa, a waitress at my job." You said not too thrilled. You were trying to keep your mind off work right now. You're debating whether to slow time down, to enjoy more relaxation for yourself.

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