6. Not Alone

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Hey guys........some of u guys are probably mad at me for not updating in a while. I should have given u guys notice that I would be gone for a while because I have so much work at school, plus with the final tests coming up and stuff. But I am happy to let u guys know that 2 days from now it would be spring break. It's only a week off and I have a lot of stress on my shoulders right now but I will be updating 2 times that week for each of my books! 

Now on to the story

Credit: Remilla


"Mmmm........." You groaned in despair. You just may have made the poorest decision in your life hours ago. You might as well bury yourself and not face the music because once you go to work, it's gonna be more agonizing than before. 

In other words, you're screwed. Well, not really. It's not like they can exploit you. You can expose them back. They know that.

"(Y/n)?" Your father knocked on the door before opening it. "Is that you groaning again? Goodness, you're waking your brother up with that loud noise." He sighed,  stepping into the room.

"Sorry..." You mumbled though it was muffled.

"(Y/n) what's going on with you?" Your father frowned.

"I'm fine..." You lied obviously

"Dear your sitting in the corner of your room eating ice cream at six in the morning..." Your father deadpanned at your poor lying skills. Usually, you're an expert at deceiving. "You're obviously not okay"

You were sitting crossed legged in the corner of your room with a big tub of Oreo ice cream in your lap, in your pajamas, a white tank-top with (F/C) pajama shorts, shoving spoonfuls into your mouth.

Bags under your eyes bigger than before. You got no sleep last night. You were too busy silently panicking about night three.

You looked down at yourself, you were fine with this. It accurately represented how you felt right now.

"It calms me down." You reasoned, looking down at you fuzzy bunny slippers.

"Pretty sure your mother and I bought that for the whole family. As in, all of us to share."

You blinked slowly, slumping against the wall, shoving another spoonful into your mouth.

Your father sighed. Approaching you. "(Y/N), You're going to spoil your appetite like that. It's too early for sweets."

"I just had a long day at work.." You moaned, very spiteful just thinking about those damn bears.

"Yes, yes, and I work my butt off at work and you don't hear me complaining." Your father works at least ten to twelve hours a day, depending on how much work he has.

Your father grabbed the tub, placing the lid back on it. "Well, since you won't be heading to sleep any time soon right now, being hyped up on sugar, get washed up. You're taking your brother to Fazbear's later on today." He turned to walk away.

"Wait," Your dull, sleepy eyes lit up from the shock. You got shot up from your spot haphazardly. "Why?" Will they seriously allow (B/N) near that place?

"He has no school today." Your father turned around. "The school called every parent this morning and informed us that the power was cut off due to maintenance issues. They're working it out but decided to close school for the day since they won't be getting power any time soon." He then turned back and walked to the door.

"Your mother and I figured he deserves a special reward for working so hard at school. He's been adapting to this new neighborhood well. Since you work there and you'll be able to watch over him. It's perfect." He smiled.

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