Unforeseen Occurrence

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Ok, I am off for the summer now. Ready to update more of my books (well this isn't mine though heh.) So hope you enjoy this part chapter. I really liked this part for some reason. Hehehe.

Credit: Remilla


"Priscilla!" You exclaimed quietly. It's still early and your family is asleep.

"Hello, (Y/N). You're in a good mood, considering it's very early and one is typically cranky at this hour." Her voice was dull but melodic. Ah, you haven't heard her voice in so long you almost didn't recognize it.

You laughed a little. "Well, it's been awhile since we've last talked."

"Indeed. What made you decide to call me now? You had all the time beforehand to leave a message."

"Well, you're in college so I didn't want to bug you while you're studying. Remember in school, how you always transformed into a demon whenever someone kept you from reading?"

You snickered. You've never met someone so committed to putting the effort into studying anything and everything.

"How could I not? The human was hindering me from progressing in my systematic studies. I do not tolerate such insolence from anyone." She huffed, sounding a bit snooty.

"Not even from me?" You said smugly. She tolerated you, and you're the laziest person she knows.

You heard her snort. "I am your closest companion, so that should suffice enough as an obvious indication for you."

You laughed again. So sophisticated for no reason. "So how's college?"

"Nondescript. Unremarkable. It is the exact opposite of how our instructors from highschool put it. It is quite boring and uneventful.

Imagine being surrounded by thousands of civilians who all lack the common thought organ, also known as the brain, compacted into a building doing unbelievably easy work that a even an infant could manage to do on their own."

"So...it's basically high school but instead of dumb kids, you deal with dumb adults." You rolled over under your covers.

"Precisely. I'm happy the career I'm 'studying' for is only for a year or two." You listened as she sighed. She sounded blissful when she said it.

"A librarian, right?" You lifted up the blanket to check the time. 6:19 A.M.

"My paradise." She replied. "What more could a bookworm like myself with a thirst for knowledge beyond this world ask for?"

"At least you've made a better career choice than me. I'm stuck working as a night guard." You bit your lip. You're curious over knowing her opinion of Fazbear's.

"Night watch?" She asked. "Freddy Fazbear's correct?"

"Yeah." Your eyes lit up. You shouldn't be surprised from her guessing the correct answer. "How did you know?"

"That's the only job in your area that requires nighttime services from an eighteen year old or older. Everything else, you're underage or it requires a lot of training or licences. Why did you pick that job?" She sounded concerned. You could picture frowning her at her own phone.


Your room door creaked suddenly.

"(Y/N)?" Your little brother peeked his head into the room.

"Uh!" You quickly hung up and took the covers off your body. Hopefully Priscilla won't be mad at you for hanging up so rudely.

"Hey little man. Why are you up so early?" You got up from your bed, still in your clothes from yesterday.

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