Chapter 21

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Ok let's see how this goes as I deleted this whole chapter because some don't like how the reader is with Xanda soooo...Here you go~

Y/n's P.O.V

Xanda was gone for the day which was good. The room was cold and smelt of blood... my blood. Moving my hand to the hidden key in my pocket, I untied myself and grabbed the stained screw driver and placing it inside the doors hand screws which was only visible at the side. after working on the doors hinges which for a metal door is very hard to get to, the lock and the door handle I was able to open it (Idk how doors works so ya know, handy man Y/n over here lol) and with some of the 'tools' i manage to grab I make my way to Xanda's room.

His bare walls and clean room took me back to the memories...before this shit happened, to think I even trusted him and even loved makes me shudder yet here I am still wearing his "Promise" Ring, what ever he meant it to be as I didn't read the letter. Finding a black backpack in his wooden wardrobe I packed it with the tools, some water bottles, food and other things I might need before popping out the windows glass instead of going through the door, knowing how secure his door system is, I don't want some type of message or indication I escaped and not to break the window either.

And so I ran, ran through the streets in some of Xanda's clothes because I'm not going to wear tattered and dirty clothes. I manage to get to my house and looked through the window.

   Mother was home, a friend of hers was there. Heart slowly started to pull itself as memories filled my mind and warm tears leaking out of my eyes. Yet I can't go back home, It's best If mother still thinks I'm dead or missing because I know Xanda will find me here and I don't want her in danger because of him. 

  Hood up, I go past my memories and into the streets, Able to scab some money from the Wolfs Den I enter subway and brought a few rolls that'll last me a few days.

  Soon after, I continue on my path and walked past my school, Teenagers all out meaning it was break time. The green grass holding teens laying down, playing catch and with some balls and a lonesome teen leaning against a tree with some people lollygagging nearby and what I can see are gossiping. back hunch as I stroll past, I eyed the strange loner. his white thick hair swaying a little in the warm breeze, earphones in and his head turned, those pale blue eyes meeting with my own....Shit!!

Xanda's figure quickly stands up and runs towards me and Before I could react I booked it out of there, as fast as my legs could carry me with a bag on my back. My name being called sound like venom with his voice. 

Sooner or later, my legs would soon get tired so you know what I did, instead of trying to out run Xanda, I did something logical which most stories don't have, yes I'm breaking the fourth wall. Hello me reading this text. I hopped onto a bus.

   I need to get out of this town and far away from Xanda and that's the plan for the day. As  I took my seat, the bus wasn't packed and barely had anyone on it so I got a seat by myself. Listing to the music on the bus, I lean my head against the glass window and let my mind wonder.

And that's it for this chapter, I see 'some' people don't like some things I write but if it's angst and gore and shit well here ya fucking go ya gremlins and sinners, I'm here to make the happy ending no more so no matter the outcome it'll result in either Xanda or Y/n dying. Your welcome~


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