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The three of you worked diligently, with you explaining Taehyung what to do and Jungkook working on his computer. Then suddenly Taehyung stood up and left. You looked at Jungkook and he looked at you back, confusion on both your faces. A few seconds later Taehyung came back with two cups of warm coffee.

"I noticed you guys were working really hard, and trying to get me to catch up. This is the least I could do."

"Thanks for the refreshment bro, but Sun Hee doesn't like coffee and I had mine just this morning. Still though, appreciate it." He replied sounding mad. Taehyung shrugged and took both the cups away.

You started wondering what was going on. Usually Jungkook wouldn't say anything. But since this new guy appeared, he was acting very protective towards you.

Taehyung soon left work since he had more unpacking to do, you and Jungkook had to work overtime to catch up from yesterday. It was late at night when you and Jungkook finally finished and headed home. This was the right time to ask Jungkook about that new guy.



"What's up with you and the new guy? You both were acting really weird. Especially you. What's up? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sun. It's just that it's been a long time since we met. And plus he changed a lot after moving. So I'm finding it kind of hard to adjust."

You both reached the front of your apartment building. You said bye to Jungkook and headed upstairs.

You were tired from working all day and you were starving but you didn't have the energy to cook, so you decided to just skip dinner. You reached your door to find a bag and a note on the doorstep. You picked it up and took it inside. You read the note which was apparently from Tae.

"Hi! I noticed that you didn't come home at dinner time, so I ordered you Chinese take out for you to eat. I figured that you must be really tired and didn't want to cook. And also consider this a thanks for your help earlier. Make sure you heat it up as the food must already be cold.

-Your neighbor, Taehyung."

You didn't waste any time as you ate, took a shower and quickly went to bed.
It was a Saturday morning and you had plans with Jungkook. He asked you if you wanted to go to a picnic, and you said yes. But before, you decided to thank Taehyung for the dinner he bought. You knocked on his door, with rice cakes in one hand, and some juice on the other. As soon as he opened the door, you walked in and tripped over a box, juice spilling everywhere on your white shirt.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Wait I'll get you a towel."

"No it's ok..." you were starting to say but he already ran inside and got you a towel.

"I'm sorry for all that trouble. What brings you here anyway?"

"Well I was gonna say thanks with rice cakes and juice, but I guess that's not happening."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know you had juice with you."

"It's ok, I'll just go home and change."

"Well anyways, do you have any plans today? I was hoping you would introduce me to the neighborhood and maybe some common spots people visit."

"Well, I already have plans with Kookie...I mean, Jungkook. But you can join us. I'm sure he'll be happy to have you with us."

"Sure, here's my number. Just text me the time."

"Sure. But I gotta leave now. I'm supposed to help Mrs. Jeon at the bakery today. See ya!"

"Bye Sun Hee."

You quickly changed and rushed to Jungkook's house. There you saw Jungkook carrying two huge bags of flour. You looked at him struggling but still managing to carry both of them and you chuckled.

"Hey weakling! Need some help down there?" You shouted

"Oh please late pants, as if you could do any better." He shouted back.

You laughed and ran up to him, gesturing him to give you one of the bags of flour. You carried the flour to the kitchen, where Mrs. Jeon was already busy baking. You smelled the stuff she put in the oven.

"Mmmmmm. I see you are making your signature banana bread. I hope I get to taste some of it."

"Oh you are here already. I'll get you some bread like every week Sun Hee. By the way, I need a favor. I need to pick up some important herbs for my garlic toast, and I still haven't baked the cookies yet. Can you guys get the cookies done so that I can get the things I need?"

"Oh mom, it's ok, I'll go." You looked at Jungkook as he spoke. Always up for helping everyone. It put a warm smile on your face.

"Oh no it's ok. Plus I need to go to the farm to pick up some eggs too. And you know the farm owner doesn't like having you there. Right Sun Hee?"

"Oh yeah, the last time you chased the chickens out of their coops cuz you were "curious how they look closely". It was not a happy sight for the owner. But I gotta admit it was hilarious." You started chuckling and Jungkook started giving you a cold stare while you and Mrs. Jeon were laughing your asses out.
Mrs. Jeon left soon and you fetched two aprons for the both of you. You got the flour and Jungkook got the eggs and the butter. You looked at the clock, it was nine in the morning.

"Let's see if we can get all this done by ten. It'll be a miracle if we did."

You were in the middle of cooking. Most of the cookies done, and were cooking your last batch. Pride was obvious on your face but then Jungkook suddenly came out of nowhere and smashed flour all over that proud face. You couldn't control yourself and you literally yelled at him.


You guys had a flour fight till you noticed Mrs. Jeon walk in. She looked at the two of you angrily and sighed, shaking her head.

"You guys had one job to do. Get out of my kitchen, I'll take over now. Help yourselves to some hot chocolate and snacks before you go though."

You went for a hug but she stopped you.

"You are not getting me dirty." She smiled.

The two of you sat outside all dirty helping yourself to the snacks. While chewing on your banana bread, you noticed Jungkook staring at you. You almost choked and went to get some water.

"What the hell! That's so creepy! What the heck are you looking at pervert?"

"What the hell did I do? I was just looking at your ugly face and wondering how much you can fit in your fat ass."

"You're the one to talk." You said as Jungkook mimicked your words and you his the back of his head.

"Hey Kookie,"

"What the hell do you want now?"

"I invited Taehyung over for our picnic."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author's Note:

Ooo a cliffhanger. How will Jungkook react? Does he really hate his childhood best friend? What's going on in his mind? Find out in the chapters coming! Thanks for reading everyone!


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