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It was about 6 AM in the morning. You couldn't get that dream out of your head. It was very familiar. You've had that dream a lot. But that darkened figure of the man, you could never figure out who he was. Did you know him? You weren't close to any men in town except some of your old classmates who you didn't talk to, and Jungkook and Taehyung. Unless it was-

"No, no. It can't be. Nope."

You swayed the thought away from your head. "If I keep dreaming stuff like that, I'll go crazy."

A moment later you saw Jungkook move around in his sleep. He looked so adorable. Like a sweet little bunny that you would want to squeeze the heck out of. You two had been through so much together, since kindergarten.

You smiled as the memory flashes into your mind. You were little. The cutest. He was playing with his ball when he threw the ball high up in the air and it landed on your very head. He came and apologized and let you keep his ball. You guys hung out everyday after that. He had been by your side since then.

You were strong, because he was there. Even in the saddest moments. Even when you got dumped by your crush, when your overly alcoholic dad abused you, when your parents got divorced and your dad left when you were 14, even when your mom passed away a year ago. He was there. To your comfort. To make sure you were ok.

But what did you give him? Not even a thanks? You loved him dearly. You couldn't bear losing him, because you knew that if you did, you would lose your will to live. Then suddenly the question popped in your mind. Why? Why had he been by your side? Why did he not leave your side during lunch when he could be sitting with his bros? Why was he there to comfort you every time you were struggling? To think about that, when was he ever struggling? You've never seen him cry once.

Your thoughts got interrupted as you noticed Jungkook's eyes flutter open. He just laid there staring at you, you staring back.

"How long are we gonna keep staring at each other?"

You shake your head and let out a small giggle. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For everything." You could see him smiling at you.

"Your welcome."

You both decided to finally get up and get ready for work. Both you had your clothes in each other's house because of the countless sleepovers you had. You quickly went to the kitchen to quickly make roasts and pancakes. Just when you were about to flip your pancake, you heard him scream your name.


You immediately went into panic mode and ran across the apartment to the other room and watched him look at his phone. You were angered. Your brain beating fast. You would kill him for god's sake.

"You fucking-"

You picked up a pillow and beat the shit out of him.

"What the heck?!"

"You screamed so loud I thought the house was on fire!"

"Just look at the date sunshine."

"It's the first of December, what's so special about that?" He immediately face palmed himself and replied.

"It's the first..."

You nod as you made an o shape with your mouth. It was Arcade Night! The monthly tradition you guys started in 8th grade. Every first day of the month, you guys met at the arcade to play games and spend all day there. In the end, the person with lower number of tickets had to buy dinner for the winning person.

"Is something burning?" Jungkook asked as he sniffed in the air around you.

"Oh shit!" You ran all the way to the kitchen, only to be met with a burnt pancake on the stove."

You started whining and blaming Jungkook for this accident. In the end, you won and he had to clean the stove and the pan while you were enjoying your breakfast.

"Done. And I hate you!"

"I love you too Kookie."

"Oh I can't wait for you to buy me dinner tonight."

"You're gonna be the one to lose and buy me dinner. But we have work today. I don't wanna go to work." You whined once more, while Jungkook held his forehead, clearly annoyed.

"How are you gonna survive then? Let's hurry, or I'm pretty sure Mr. Park is going to cut our salaries."

"Speaking of, today is salary day isn't it?" You sighed. "Well I guess we gotta go to the arcade after work."

After getting ready, you made your way down through the bakery, waving hi to Mrs. Jeon and picking up some cookies for breakfast. While you were chatting with Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook went upstairs, and hurriedly picked up his bag, without realizing that something fell down from his bag.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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