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Jungkook POV:

I sat on the bar counter, on top of the bar stool as I ordered another shot of soju. I thought about everything, and reflected upon my actions. I shouldn’t have left like that; she didn’t know. She didn’t know that I was being shipped all the way across the country. Busan was on the south eastern coast, while Seoul was on the top west corner of the country. A total of 325 kilometers away. I couldn’t live that far away. Sun-hee and eomma were my only family here. Not to mention that I had to figure life out all on my own there.

Plus the way I acted was childish, pure jealousy. Maybe it wasn’t intentional, but I was starting to feel a threat. Taehyung Hyung had been acting strange around her, and I got the feeling that he liked her, despite the fact that he promised me.

I held my head tightly with my hands. My head was aching now. The constant worry of not seeing her again, the regret of facing my back on her. The coward I had been all these years. The way I ran away from her, not telling her anything. It wasn’t even her fault, and now she must have been devastated. I left her, I could see her chasing after me, but I left her because of a stupid reason. I had no right to take my anger out on her. I had to go after her, I just had to before the matters got worse and I had to leave. In a span of moments, I stood up and paid my bill and walked out of the bar.

Taehyung POV:

Ding dong, the doorbell rang. A few minutes after standing, the lights went on, a soft voice came out of the speaker.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Kim Taehyung,” I said, curiosity filled my body. It wasn’t the sound of Jungkook, it was a woman’s voice. Perhaps his mother? And I was right.

“Kim Taehyung? Oh my god!” She answered and the door flung open, a middle aged woman standing in front of me. I bowed down as she held my face up.

“Look how much you’ve grown! I can’t believe the last time I saw you! How have you been all these years? And how is Daegu?”

“Daegu is pretty fun, but I don’t get home cooked meals as good as yours there. I missed you eomeoni.” I replied, it wasn’t really a lie. I moved with my father, mother and my three siblings, but my mom’s food wasn’t as good as her’s. Her food was the greatest food I’ve ever tried, and her japchae, yum. But I had to find Jungkook, and quick, “is Jungkook home, it’s kind of urgent?” It asked.

“I thought he was with Sun-hee, is he not? Is something wrong?” Worriedness written all over her face and voice. I did not want her to panic.

“No everything is fine, I just wanted to tell him something. It can wait till tomorrow.” I lied. And bowed again and wished her goodbye.

I ran around trying to look for Jungkook. He was the only one who could get Sun-hee out of the infirmary; he was pretty strong too. And it took me the whole night to find him, except I didn’t.

Sun-hee POV




Sun-hee! Wake up now or I’ll…

I woke up panting heavily. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. I couldn’t breathe, everything around me was so dark. A little light came out of a digital clock, my digital clock. I was, home? The last thing I remembered was panting heavily in the office lobby. My head hurt. I felt as if I was drunk, I could smell soju, but I didn’t drink. Oh right! I ran without my inhaler, so I passed out. Being an asthma patient was terribly tough and expensive. But how did I get home, where was Jungkook? Was everything just another bad dream? I started to hyperventilate, I started crying.

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