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Sun-hee POV:

Was it the birds in the air? I don't know. In a moment, there was a bright light in front of me. The warmth of my sheets, and the beautiful chirping noises from out the window. The warm pillow next to me, the huge one, felt amazing against my skin. The big warm pillow? When did I ever-

Oh shit.

I didn't think this through did I? When I asked Jungkook to sleep next to me. What was I thinking, and why did he agree? I found myself in his arms, this was the closest we've ever been like this. I could feel my heart speed up, and my cheeks felt warmer than before. I looked up at him, his brown bangs covering his eyes, his mouth agape. His peaceful cute, but annoying face. How dare he look more attractive than me. His left arm was under my head, while his right arm held my waist tight. I liked this feeling, the feeling of this touch. It sent a sense of elation to my mind and body. I've been longing for this all my life.

I carefully removed his hand off my body and sat up on the bed. The whole waking up part felt like a day full of sunshine. It felt as warm as a spring day. The lighted room, and the colors of the decent sized room bouncing off in all places. Then all of a sudden, events of last night came rushing through my brain.

Everything came in an instant. The gun shot, the crying girl dressed in black outfit. Her meager body was slouched on the ground. Her black hair prevented me from getting a good visual of her face, but she was skinny, and I could just tell that she was pretty. The gang with masks on, and their big noisy Harley Davidson motorcycles, the dead man. This was the first time I saw this much blood apart from the Train to Busan movie. It haunted me.

I needed a walk; some fresh air. I was locking my front door as my eyes wandered towards the door next to mine. The boxes had seemed to disappear. I hurried downstairs, maintaining my pace to prevent the passing out part like the previous day. The dead body was nowhere to be found. No blood spots on the ground. Was it a dream after all?
Little snoring noises came out of my bedroom. It was almost ten in the morning, and this bunny was still asleep. His mouth slightly agape, his innocence was tranquility. A sudden image popped up in my mind, something that popped up last night, but was rejected by me. I had a dream, a beautiful one. I found myself in a peaceful garden full of flowers, my arms around his neck, his, around my waist. We were close. But it was that man who was confusing, his face was unclear, but he had the most beautiful smile in the world. Did I see it somewhere?

I purposely grabbed my alarm clock. The analog one that I never used because of its loud noise. I set it so that it would ring in one minute. Even Jungkook, the heaviest sleeper in the world, wouldn't be able to withstand that treacherous commotion.

And then it rang. The discord was a pain in my ear too. He shot up, about to throw his pillow on my face.

"I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled, getting out of bed. I was getting ready to run, but he was too quick. He jumped in the sky, landing on top of me, us both tumbling down on the floor. Giggles filled the void of the room. I realized, whatever happens, this would never change. We were forever.

Jungkook POV:

No one messes with my sleep. No one. Sun-hee knows it. She knows it! No one is allowed to wake me up, except Sun-hee, but she really makes the best out of it. She wouldn't miss the chance of waking up the Jeon Jungkook now, would she? Little did she know, I was awake the whole time.

In about seven in the morning, she rolled onto me, and was clinging on my arm like crazy. Her face had a beautiful, wide smile on. I couldn't resist myself. She was too precious. I had to hold her tight by me. I had to feel my arms around her waist, I had to feel her breath against my chest. I had hold her like there was no tomorrow.

I loved her so much that I was afraid of losing her, of change. I wanted to take a few steps at a time, but maybe, maybe someday, she'd be walking down the aisle, with a beautiful white dress and a veil covering her face. And I'd be the one in the end of aisle trying to hold my tears back. Maybe someday we'd start a family. Maybe someday, there would be kids running in our backyard. But for now, things had to remain the way they were, or else, all that wouldn't be possible.

I looked at her dark brown eyes. Her exquisite eyes sparkling as they looked into mine. We had something that no one else did. We had a special bond. We were soulmates.

"Sun-hee ah," I interrupted our staring session. I paused locked down, then looked back up. "What do you say we go on our Arcade Night tonight, since I ruined it yesterday." I choked. Those words won't come out. Those three words which would change everything forever, I didn't have the guts, especially at this time. Even if she did say yes, I'd have to leave her soon. I wish I'd done it sooner.

Taehyung POV:

It was pretty late in the morning. I was putting my tie on in front of the tall mirror in my dresser. As I was doing my daily routine, pointing finger guns and admiring my handsome face in the mirror while complimenting myself, I heard a racket from across the walls. It seemed like about a million school bells ringing at the same time, followed by a loud voice yelling "I'm gonna kill you". I figured Jungkook spent the night and Sun-hee was probably trying to wake him up. He didn't change, did he?

I smiled as I made my way across the wall. I knelt down and put my arms around my knees. I shut my eyes. I wish them my best.
I pushed my key in the lock of my front door. I twisted the key to hear the click sound of the lock and I took the key out to put it in my pocket. I turned my head around to head towards the stairs as I saw a dark figure of a girl entering the apartment next doors to Sun-hee. Have I seen her before?


Author's Note:

Hey guys! So my friend suggested that I should make shorter parts, and honestly that is a much better idea. That way I can update more regularly, it'll be easy for you guys to read, and it'll be less pressure for me. Thanks for your support!


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