Back to School

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It was Monday morning. The twins first day of school. Alex had been dreading this day. The day her little bundles of joy run off to school and not looking back.
Alex feels a hand on her hip. She opens her eyes and turns over. She sees Tobin sleeping. She lightly grabs Tobin's face and plants soft kisses on her lips. Tobin's eyes immediately flutter open. Without saying anything, she wraps her arm around Alex and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. This is how they start their morning everyday. It's like their coffee.
"Morning baby." Tobin whispers.
"Morning." Alex says snuggling her head into the crook of Tobin's neck.
Tobin kisses the top of Alex's head.
"First day of school." Tobin says.
"Uh don't remind me." Alex says.
"Babe they'll be fine. They'll be even more excited when they come home."
"I know. It's just.... they're growing up so fast." Alex groans.
"Well I can't help that." Tobin says starting to get up.
Alex reluctantly rolls over and gets up as well.
Tobin and Alex quietly go into Audrey's room.
"Audrey, time to wake up." Alex says rubbing the girls back. She opens her eyes and realizes what's going on. She jumps up and yells: "first day of school!"
"Someone's excited!" Tobin says. Audrey jumps off the bed and into Tobin's arms.
Tobin spins her around and smiles at her daughter.
"Let's wake Jackie now." Audrey says pointing towards Jacob's room.
"Alright let's go." Alex says walking across the hall and in to her son's room. Tobin follows with Audrey in her arms.
"Jake, time to wake up." Alex says rubbing his back, as she did with Audrey.
The boy groans and rolls over. Alex looks up at Tobin.
"Jake it's the first day of school." Tobin says trying to arouse the child.
Jacob stays asleep and doesn't say anything.
"Jacob wake up!" Audrey says a little annoyed at her brother.
"Shh Audrey. He's just waking up......:" Tobin says.
"........Why don't you go get dressed." She adds. The girl nods. Tobin puts Audrey down and she skips into her room.
Tobin focuses back to Jacob.
She sees Alex squatting down next to Jacob's bed. Tobin walks over and does the same.
"Jacob don't you want to get ready for school?" Alex says rubbing her fingers through his dark brown hair.
Jacob groans in reply.
"Here Jake, let's try to get up." Tobin suggests.
"I think that's a good idea." Alex adds.
The couple stand up and unravel their son from his blankets.
He starts to cry. Not knowing what's causing this, Alex takes Jacob into her arms. He starts to calm down and rests his head on Alex's shoulder.
Alex gives Tobin a look. You know, Mom look. The look that means something's wrong.
Tobin replies by rubbing Jacob's back.
Tobin and Alex know their children very well. They know when something is wrong. Alex looked at Jacob and say that his face is pale. She thinks it's just nerves.
While Alex makes breakfast for Audrey, Tobin slowly helps Jacob get dressed. She also senses that something isn't right.
Jacob isn't complaining so Tobin doesn't say anything.
The twins eat breakfast and get their backpacks on.
Audrey is all smiles, but Jacob has a slight frown on his face.
Tobin takes out her phone and says; "Okay smile guys!" She says with a big smile on her face.
Audrey shows some teeth while Jacob's frown raises 1/10 of an inch.
"Smile Jake." Alex says raising her eyebrows.
Jacob tilts his head and grazes his chin over his shoulder.
"Well I think that's good enough." Tobin says putting her phone in her pocket.
"Alright guys, ready to go?" Alex says walking towards the door.
"Yea!!!" Audrey yells while jumping.
Jacob just nods.
Alex's smile fades as she wonders what's wrong with her baby boy.
Audrey grabs ahold of Tobin's hand and pulls her out the door. Alex reaches for Jacob's hand. He hesitates and takes ahold of it. He stays close to Alex and walks very slowly.
The two get to the car and Tobin already has Audrey strapped in her car seat. She walks to the other side of the car to help with Jacob.
She opens the door and picks Jacob up. She puts him in his seat and buckles him in. She then tickles his stomach making Jacob laugh a little. Tobin could tell he was not being himself because usually he goes hysterical when she tickles him.
Tobin shuts the car door and looks at Alex.
"Tobin I'm worried."
"I know me too, but he's not complaining."
"Who cares if he's not complaining we're supposed to do what's best for him." Alex sighs.
"I know Al. We'll see how the day goes.....he'll be fine."
"I hope so." Alex replies.
Tobin gives a faint smile and kisses here wife passionately on the lips.
The small family drives to Portland Elementary School. The couple chose their kids to go here because it's so close to their club team, the Thorns.
They get out if the car, with each child grabbing a women's hand. When they walk in they are greeted by the principal.
She gives them a nice good morning and tells them who the twins teachers are. Jacob and Audrey were put into separate classes so they interact with other children. Tobin and Alex walk Audrey to her classroom first. Her teachers name is Mrs. Campbell and greets Audrey at the door with a big smile. Audrey gigs both of her parents goodbye and runs in to the classroom. She's always been the friendly type.
"Time to find your classroom Jake." Tobin says looking down the long hallway lined with classrooms. Jacob's clings on even more to Alex. Alex runs her fingers through his hair.
Tobin leads the two down the hall a little bit to a classroom that has the name Ms.Woods on the door.
She comes to greet Jacob at the door.
"Hi sweetie! What's your name?" She says with a big smile. 
"Jacob." He says shyly.
"Hi Jacob! It's very nice to meet you. My name is Ms. Woods." She says.
Jacob hides behind  Tobin and Alex.
"Oh I see we're a little shy."
"Yea he's a little nervous." Tobin says moving the hair out of Jacob's face.
"Oh there's not need to be nervous! We'll have so much fun this year. Say, you look like some one who likes cars. Am I right?" Ms. Woods asks the little boy.
Jacob nods.
"Great! See over there we have a bunch of cars. All different kinds. Would you like to come inside and play with them?" Jacob nods again and takes the teachers hand that leads him inside.
Tobin and Alex wave as he walks into the classroom.
"He looks really pale." Alex says obviously worried about her son.
"It's just nerves. He'll get over them. " Tobin replies while walking down the hall.
They drive home in silence. Both of them are thinking about Jacob and wondering why he was acting so weird.
They both want do deny the fact that he's sick, but now thinking it's reality.
The couple gets home and immediately gets their bags ready for practice.
Tobin, out of no where, starts kissing Alex's neck. Alex moans as Tobin starts to make her way to her lips. Tobin wraps her arm around Alex's waist and pulls her against her body. Tobin passionately kisses Alex as she rubs her lower back. In the middle of all this, the phone rings. At first they weren't gonna answer it, but they decided they should just in case.
Alex goes to answer the phone while Tobin waits in their room anxiously wanting to finish what they started.
"Tobin." Alex says coming back into the room.
"Yea Al?"
"Jacob threw up at school so e have to go get him." Alex says picking up her training bag.
"So he was sick." Tobin says also picking up he bag."
"I guess so. My poor baby." Alex pouts.
"I thought I was your baby." Tobin says also pouting.
"Of course you are." Alex says kissing Tobin's cheek and leaving the room.
They quickly rush to the school and find the nurses office. They walk into see Jacob sitting on a couch with a blue teddy bear in his arms. He is as pale as ever.
"Oh hi. You must be Jacob's parents."
The nurse says taking off her reading classes.
"Yes we are." Alex replies.
"Well Jacob thank you for taking care of Mr.Snuggles for me. I hope you feel better."
Jacob nods and gets up. He goes to Tobin, who scoops him up into her arms. Alex signs him out and they walk into the hallway.
"Feeling okay buddy?" Tobin whiskers into the child's ear.
"No." Jacob says starting to cry.
"Aw baby. We'll make it better." Alex says rubbing his back.
"I guess we'll take him to practice."
Tobin says walking.
"Yea I guess." Alex replies.
They get to the stadium and Alex decides to stay with Jacob in the stands and not do practice.
"Are you sure Al? I could stay with him." Tobin says.
"It's fine Tobs. He's too sick he needs our attention. Plus we'll watch you." Alex smiles at Tobin. She returns the action. Just like that, Tobin runs onto the field. Alex sits in one of the seats in the stands with Jacob wrapped in a blanket on her lap.
He falls asleep immediately.
After practice, Tobin comes back to see Alex and Jacob in the same spot. Jacob is fast asleep and Alex is on her phone.
"Hey." Tobin says.
"Hey." Alex replies lifting he head with a big smile.
"How's our patient doing?" Tobin says sitting down next to Alex.
"Good. He slept the whole time."
"He must really not feel well."
Tobin says rubbing Jacob's back.
The couple sit there for a few minutes. They then realized that they had to pick up Audrey soon. Not knowing what to do with Jacob, they decide to leave him with Ally.
Jacob wakes up and starts to cry.
"It's okay Jake. Your gonna stay with Aunt Ally. We'll be back soon." Alex says.
Tobin, who has Jacob in her arms, hands him to Ally.
The couple leaves the room. They can hear Ally saying some soothing words to Jacob.
They go to Audrey's school, pick her up and take her back to the stadium.
They get out of the car and go inside.
The first thing Audrey does is check on Jacob.
"Hi Jackie." Audrey says hugging her twin.
"Hi." He replies weakly.
The family stays at the stadium for a few more hours. Talking with teammates and the coaching staff.
When they decide to go home, they load their two kids into their car seats.
Audrey and Jacob fall asleep right away.
Alex and Tobin get into the front seat and look back at their children.
"They're perfect." Alex says smiling and looking at Tobin.
"Yes they are. And so are you." Tobin replies leaning in.
Alex smiles and meets Tobin half way. Thy share a long passionate kiss.
They both turn around in their seats. The Heath family then goes home. Tomorrow will be another day with an adventure.

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