Where's Dad?

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Alex opened the bedroom door to see her 13 year old daughter, Jessica, doing her homework. The women walks in quietly.
"Hey honey. You said you needed some help with homework?" Alex says looking down to where her daughter was sitting.
"Uh yea. It's just a simple project."
"About what?" Alex says sitting down next to Jessica.
"Family history. I need both sides of the family, but considering I don't know about my dad......" Jessica says looking at Alex and waiting her to finish the sentence.
"Since you don't know about your dad, you don't have to do that part."
"But Mom! When are you ever gonna tell me about my father."
"Sweetie I don't think you're ready. It's very complicated."
"Good. I can help you with your project after dinner. Got it?"
"Yea. Thanks." Jessica says shutting Alex out.
"Jess please don't be this way." Alex says.
"What? I'm just wondering where I can from? Is that so wrong."
Alex doesn't say anything. She just kisses her daughters head and leaves the room.
Once Alex is outside the doorway, she can finally take a deep breath. The truth is her relationship with her partner is complicated. They got together and dated for two years. When they finally wanted to start a family, nothing could stop them. Not even the government. The two were not officially married in church or court.
After Jessica was born,  her Dad left to go overseas. Alex calls this person Dad and won't  tell Jess any other information. Like, what this persons name is or where they live.
And the reason Alex hasn't told her is because her "Dad" wasn't who she thought it was.
Alex just used this code name to protect her daughter. She didn't want her to get freaked out or scared. Because really Jessica does know her "Dad." She very close to this person and doesn't really know they're related.
Truthfully, Jessica's "Dad" is Tobin.
*duh duh duh*
Alex knows she has to tell her daughter soon, but she's just waiting for the right time.
As Alex walks down the hallway, she is thinking about what Jessica said.
The time to tell her is now.
Alex immediately turns around and walks back to her the girls room.
She knocks on the door carefully.
"Hey Jess."
"Oh hey." She says looking down.
"Um I was thinking......" Alex says walking toward the bed.
"I was thinking that right now is the time I will tell you about your Dad. "
"Yea. It's pretty complicated, so come sit down." She says leaving a space for her daughter to sit.
Jessica sits down and looks at her Mom nervously.
"So your Dad. He isn't what you think he is."
"What is he in jail? Is that why I never see him."
"No. Um you actually you know this person.  You look up to this person a lot and you love them." Alex says hoping her daughter will catch on.
"Is Justin Bieber my dad!"
"No sweetie. That's not what I mean. You know this person personally."
The girl thinks for a minute and comes up with nothing.
"Alright how bout I tell you their name."
"Well um alright here it is.....your dad's name is Tobin." Alex keeps looking at her daughter waiting for a reaction.
"Oh that's like Tobin Heath's name. I guess it could be used for boys and girls. Did you call him Toby?"
"Well yea I called him Toby, but he isn't a he."
"Mom are you okay? You're getting all confusing."
"Yes Jessica I'm fine, it's just I'm trying to tell you this very carefully."
"Well just say it."
"Alright. Your dad isn't a he. He's a she. And your other moms name is Tobin. Tobin Heath."
"What!? How could you not tell me this!" Jessica says getting up.
"Jess let's calm down."
"Calm down! I understand not telling me about my dad, but my dad being a girl and that girl being Tobin!"
"Sweetie let me tell you the whole story."
"Good I want answers."  Jess says sitting down again.
Alex explains the whole thing.
"Any questions?" She says finishing her story.
"Wait when you said overseas. What did you mean?"
"After you were born Tobin went to play for PSG in France."
The girl nods.
"And when she came back, that spark just wasn't there anymore. But as you could see we're still great friends."
The two talk some more.
"Thanks for understanding Jess."
"Well thanks for telling me." She replies hugging her mom. They then go down to make dinner together.

Talex OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now