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 You got this power one day when you decided to go outside during the Winter. You weren't exactly sure why you went outside because normally you would tend to stay inside whenever It was extremely cold outside, and this was one of those days.Yet you decided to go outside anyways. As you looked around yourself so you could get a good look of what you decided to come outside for,all you could see was snow. Which made sense since well...It was Winter after all,but the different thing about this snow compared to the the snow you were used to was that It seemed to completely miss one certain section of the land that formed a path. By that I mean that pretty much everything was covered In snow except this one path that looked like It never ended. Normally most people would just be like "that's way too long of a walk" but not you, instead you just thought to yourself what's the worst that could happen? So you started your journey down the path. As you walked further and further down the path, you could see your original location drifting further and further away. Almost as some symbolic sign that you should head back because you felt that something bad may happen to you. Though you just shrugged this off and kept on walking down the path because while you were somewhat worried about yourself you just felt like something amazing would be at the end of this path. So you continued to walk...and walk...and walk... you almost got to the point where you couldn't even tell where you were anymore,because by this stage of the path everything ahead and behind you was just flat snow. It looked pretty much like a desert If It was covered In snow almost as If the plant life and houses had never existed. It was all just snow,flat snow. Yet you continued anyways because at this point It would just take to long to head back and you just couldn't shake the feeling of something amazing being at the end of this path. As you got nearer and nearer to the end of the path you could see what looked like a mountain. At first you thought to yourself I have to climb a mountain now? .But you quickly realized that It wasn't as large as you first thought. In fact compared to all the other mountains you had seen In your life (mainly online) this one was puny. But once you finally reached the end of the path you found out that It wasn't even a mountain. In fact It was just one giant pile of snow. And now it seemed more impressive as one giant pile of snow than just a small mountain. You were pretty disappointed at first when you saw this because It was just more snow. In fact you almost were about to walk away when you saw something twinkle at the top of the mountain. This obviously caught your attention and got you curious. Enough to the point where you decided to climb the pile of snow just so you could find out what this twinkle was. As you got to the top of the snow pile, you found a flower. It wasn't any flower though because this one's petals were completely made out of ice. At first you were confused because you had never seen anything like this because...who has? So you decided to pick up the flower so you could take It with you, but as soon as you pulled the flower out the snow pile you had just climbed It gave out and collapsed. That's all you remember before you blacked out. When you woke up the mountain was gone along with not only the flower but all the snow you had previously seen as well. The buildings and houses were back as well though you didn't remember seeing them before.Almost as If everything had just be an illusion. Confused, you looked at your clock to see how long you had been unconscious.You immediately freaked out because you apparently had been unconscious for almost 2 hours. At this point you were worried because your parents would come home at any time. So you immediately started running towards your house as fast as you could. you were pretty sure that you weren't going to make It but you might as well make an effort,right? When you were about halfway to home the sun was surprisingly still out and when you looked around yourself for the first time In a while. You saw that everything was just standing still. You name It:people,cars,animals,even snowflakes.After seeing this you ran home even faster and first checked to see If your parents had gotten home yet.They hadn't, so you immediately checked yourself in the mirror to see if there was any snow/bruises on your face. When you saw yourself you were very surprised...your eye had changed and now had roman numerals In It.But It quickly faded once you saw It and had returned to normal. You checked your surroundings again and saw that everything was moving in normal motion again.
Why?:This power Is meant to represent you.Since you were usually the type of person that was calm,collective,and knew how to handle most situations this story fits you along with the power. By that I mean that you always secretly wanted more time to do things or just more time In your life In general so you could redo things/make them last a bit longer.These powers only activate when you are worried about getting something done or sense that something terrible will happen (usually not that often though) and only deactivate when you completely calmed down/resolve the problem.You haven't mastered how to use this yet but you can somewhat control It. Only for a short period of time though. So how did you get your power? I'll let you imagine that explanation.


i was bored

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