HARRY: bus girl (contains mature content)

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Every day, without absence, on the same bus, the same spot at the same time.

She was sitting there staring out of the window while listening to her IPod.

Beautiful, but it weren’t her looks who touched my heart, it was her glance, the constant mysterious expression on her face and her mesmerizing eyes.

We often stared at one another. 

Just staring, nothing more nothing less.

But today was unlike all the others, I decided to follow the bus until she got out, in a non creepy way though, I was curious about her name.

I held tight to my plan and followed the bus, I guessed she’d already noticed, but wasn’t too certain.

When she got out, I parked my car, quickly made my way out of my seat and turned down the street, towards her.


She turned around hesitantly giving me a quizzical look.

“Thank you for waiting, I just wanted to.. erm-“

“Yes?” She asked with a sweet grin.

“What’s your name?”


“I have been waiting ages to figure that out.”

She looked at me like I just told her the sky was falling down “You are Harry Styles, aren’t you?”

“Yep, I am hahah.” I laughed at her confused expression.

“Why would you want to know my name?”

“I want to take you out if that’s alright?” 

“Wow random, sure haha, when?”

“How about now?” 

“You’re not fooling me, are you.” she asked.

“Of course not, Rosella.”

“Call me Rose.”

I smiled as I interrogatively and carefully took her hand and turned to my car.

We drove to this cosy pub in the centre of London, had a drink or two and left after an hour.

She suggested to go to her house and so we did, preparing myself for an interesting night.

We arrived at her place but as she closed the door I suddenly changed my mind.

This wasn’t right, she was too perfect to have an one-night-stand with.

 “I- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have gone home with you” I whispered as I looked into her blue eyes. I bit my lip as I saw her eyes drop from my face. “I didn’t want to-“ My train of thoughts was interrupted by Rose’s lips on mine. The kiss was soft, tentative, like she was gauging my reaction. I sat in shock for a moment before closing the small space she had left between our lips.

I moved my mouth hungrily against hers. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and held her face to mine as she deepened the kiss.

My head spun as she led me to her bedroom, I let us fall onto her fluffy mattress. 

She was the wrong person for an one-night-stand and I knew it but, but I didn’t care anymore. 

It felt so right. I moved my left hand down her side and let it rest on her upper thigh. Her skin was warm and soft, begging to be touched. I felt her shudder slightly under my touch. I smirked into our kiss as I pulled her thigh up over my hip. She pulled herself on top of me and slid her hands under my shirt and across my stomach. I was slightly out of breath now. I sat up as best I could with Rose straddling my lap and began to press kisses to her neck.

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