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Everything around me was spinning, but I didn’t care. I took another Tequila from a table, without knowing from who it was. Everyone here was drunk, even the bartender was replaced because he had too many shots. “Hey babe, why don’t you join me?” Zayn came in front of me and rubbed his hand through my hair. I started laughing and came closer to him. 

“Of course, Zayn,” I said while I whispered his name playful in his ear. Zayn was a good friend of me, he had always been. We grow up together. He pulled me on the dance floor. I knew that when he’s drunk, he makes weird dances. But at this point, it doesn’t even matter. Nobody would know because we were all with our head in the drinks. I started shaking my shoulders and Zayn began to do the wave, alone. “You suck at dancing,” I whispered in his ear. 

“Well, you don’t dance better than me,” he said while he made a weird face. 

“Watch me!” I took his hands and shook them around. He started laughing and so did I. We laughed so hard that the background turned black and we fell on the ground. Well, Zayn fell on the ground, but he pulled me with him. I lay on top of him and started to make his face look weird, by deforming his face with my hands. “Woah, you look so beautiful right know,” I giggled at him. He giggled too and pushed me of him. He sat up and looked at me. No, he stared. 

“What?” I asked innocent. He giggled. 

“You’re so drunk,” was his answer. I smiled. 

“Look who says that.”

“Yes, I’m also drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful.” I looked at him for a moment and smiled. I sat up and looked at him again. 

“Drunk and beautiful? I think that’s a good combination,” I giggled. He laughed. 

“I think so too.” 

“Like the name of a soap. Our own soap that we started tonight.” 

“We can get famous you know.” 

“And you’ll have all the girls you want.” 

“I don’t need that.  I already have you,” he said with a little blush. I came closer to him as he placed my head between his hands and placed his lips on mine. When I pulled back, I looked in his eyes. His pupils where big, but they were shining. Big sparkly eyes. I smiled and so did he, before our lips met again. 

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