HARRY: Harry comes home (contains mature content)

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Harry is on his tour, and you’re feeling exceptionally lonesome. He’s supposed to be home soon, but he never gave you specific date. You know that it’s his job, but this time is the longest he’s been away from you. You curl up on the couch with his pillow and you turn on the TV in an attempt to drown out the endless silence. You aren’t even paying attention to the program all you can think about is Harry. He clouds your thoughts constantly and you look down at your hand and rotate the promise ring on your finger before sliding it off.  An infinity ring. You smile to yourself, feeling your cheeks get hot as you remember the day you met. He ran into you when he was leaving Milkshake City, knocking your drink all over you, getting it in your hair and eyes. You stood there not even knowing who did it you were squeezing your eyes shut. Just before you could wipe away the drink from your face, you feel some fingers wiping it away for you. You squint to see Harry’s concerned face, apologizing incessantly. You freeze and don’t mutter a sound. Paul is urging Harry to get back into the bus, while Harry smiles, writing his number on a napkin you dropped.

  “I owe you one, here’s my number, maybe we can get some together I promise I won’t spill it on you next time!” he says, being dragged away. You snap back from your flashback and look into the ring, the words, ‘to infinity and beyond’inscribed. You constrict the pillow in your arms and bury your face in it, faintly smelling his cologne, Bleu de Chanel. You close your eyes and reminisce about his touch. The way his arms tighten every time he grabs you for a hug, the way his eyes sparkle when he sees you, and that infectious half smile, even thinking about it makes you smile weakly. Suddenly you feel something brush on your neck and you instantly throw your hand to the nape of your neck and turn around, but see nothing. You only see the dim light protruding through kitchen. You tug his pillow even closer to you as you feel that dreadful lump form in your throat. Tears well up in your eyes and one is just about to fall down your cheek.‘No, no don’t cry…’You murmur to yourself, but your whispers go in vain and you sigh as a small tear streams down your face and lands on Harry’s Ramones shirt you’re wearing. You cover your face in your hands and softly cry to yourself.

 Abruptly, the door swings open and Harry runs in. You almost fall as you shoot up from the couch. You jump over the couch and sprint into Harry’s arms. He drops everything and opens his arms for you. You crash into him and weep into his shirt, at the same time hearing feeble cries from Harry. He pets your hair and holds you firmly in his arms, almost as if he has absolutely no intent of letting go, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. You start to pull away and Harry yanks you back into his arms again 

“I promise I’ll never leave you for that long again, otherwise you’re coming with me everywhere I go. Skype was not enough; it will never be the same as holding you in my arms like this.” He lifts your chin, and you see his eyes are a little red from crying, but undoubtedly yours are too and he kisses you softly. He lifts you up from the ground and you rest your head on his shoulder as he carries you to the couch. He sits down with you still in his arms and proceeds to kiss your forehead, your nose and your lips again. He lays his head down onto your shoulder, and cuddles up with you. He looks up at you adoringly; flashing a guilty smile and opens his mouth to say something, and can’t find the words. He looks down and laughs nervously. You try to suppress a smile when he looks back up to try again.

   “I love you so much, and I…I want to make something as beautiful as you are with you.” He stutters. He slides his hand under your shirt rubbing your stomach in small circles. You can’t help but smile broadly and you can feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You envision Harry waking up in the middle of the might to comfort her crying, and you can faintly hear him singing ‘More Than This’ in the baby monitor, her toothless grin when she finds something you do funny, her chocolate brown curls bouncing around as Harry plays with her, and holding her in your arms when she’s sound asleep, the most perfect little nose, eyes, lips, and of course a dimple on her left cheek, another feature she will inherit from Harry. You look back down at Harry, who hasn’t looked away from you at all. You warp your arms around his neck and rest your forehead on his.

 “Yes, of course. I love you so much, I’ve never wanted anything more than this with you.” He crashes his lips into yours and you fall down onto the couch. You play with each others tongues for a moment before Harry takes your shirt off for you. His fingers dance on your waistband, hesitant to take them off. In the past, sex with Harry was just to temper the sting of horniness, but this time, it was for something special, to create life for you both to share. You can tell Harry is being so much gentler this time. He’s not ripping your clothes off, or pinning you against walls, or gripping every part of your body, but he’s being so calm, so tender, and you are fond of the change. He tugs off your pants along with your underwear and throws them into a heap a few feet away. Harry is practically planking right above you, taking in every second of the pure love that has formed between you. He caresses your face, moving a few hairs out of your face in the process.

  “You’re so beautiful, I’m the luckiest man in the entire world, I’m so glad I spilled my milkshake on you that day.” He says with a wink. You can’t help but to smile at him. Harry grazes his tip right on your entrance before cautiously sliding it in. He waits momentarily for you to adjust as you let out a small groan. You’ve missed how good he feels inside of you. He starts grinding his body on top of you, forcing his length in and out of you. He’s so gentle, making sure he doesn’t hurt you in the slightest bit. He grabs your hips to steady himself on top of you, but he doesn’t squeeze hard. You both stare into each others eyes, refusing to look away. With each thrust, Harry’s paper airplane necklace swings against his chest and his breathing becomes a little shallower. You wrap your legs around him urging him even closer to you. He lowers himself down to you and rhythmically times his kisses with each thrust. He drops his head on your shoulder, forcing hot breaths down your chest and you shudder at the feeling of his breaths and his thrusting.

             “Harry… Harry please cum inside me already, I can’t bear it anymore.” You say with your lasts breaths. Harry furrows his brow and starts pumping furiously, gripping you shoulders to keep him balanced. He grabs your face and glares right into you, his eyes burning a whole right through you. A single bead of sweat falls down Harry’s face and slides off his chin landing on you and just then Harry releases inside of you and pulls your hair as he rears back and yells profanities to the ceiling. He collapses on top of you and you both are heaving for breath. Harry licks his lips and moves your hair out of the way of your ear and you can scarcely hear him murmur,

            “Marry me.”

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