Angry Zachary

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"Answer me Carter." He says dangerously low. I look back on my shoulder and shrug.

"He didn't do anything. I fell up against something."

He looks me in the eye and rolls his. He looks at with this look that just made me look down. I mean why does he care in the first place? And why should I tell him? Colton was... Idk. I don't know why he did that. He just doesn't seem as the type to to that and do this to me. As I continue to look down I see another pair of feet stop in front of me. I look up into his grey blue eyes that are a shade lighter.


"What?! Didn't I just say that he didn't do anything?! Gosh!" I answer getting irritated. He scowls at me walks out slamming the door causing me to jump.

I look at my bruise once more before butting on a baggy shirt and some yoga shorts. I walk down the stairs and lay on the couch. I flinch when I go to reach the remote for the television. I sigh and sit up to grab it.


I wake up to hearing a very unpleasant sound. I feel my upper lip curl in a bit as I hear it again. Boy was I pissed now.

"Ahhhhh ZACH!" I hear once more.

I grab my phone and keys off the counter and drive to Audens house. She greets me at her door and pulls me in a hug. When I flinch she eyes me in a questioning way. When I shake my head and say it's nothing she just looks at me narrowing her eyes but then shrugs it off. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and followed her upstairs to her room.

"I swear if I could chop it off I would Aud." I tell her while she sits there laughing at me. I just got done telling her what I woken up to earlier. I throw a pillow at her but she ducks before it hits her causing her to laugh more.

"Anyways, how are you and Drake?" I ask eagerly wanting to get off the subject and because well, I want to know how serious she is with Drake.

She eases off laughing but her face is in a full on grin. "We are great!Carter I think I'm falling for him. Now I know I said that about Lyle but it's so different with Drake! He shows me attention, even in front of the other guys!"

Her eyes light up as she tells me about him. Drake is a freshmen in college. May sound old but not really. We are about to start our senior year. She noticed him while we were at her cousins party. He stood out with his 6'4 tan built self. With his bright green and dark hair , she was putty in his hands the moment he walked up to her.

"Carter!" She throws her pillow at me.

"Huh? yeah. What?" I zone back in.

"How are you and Colton."

I freeze and think of the quickest thing to say "Oh umm... we are good." I add a small smile.

Right when I say that I get a text from him. I frown at my phone and ignore it.

"Whose that?"

"Colton. He said he's at my house and needs to talk to me."

Before I knew it she was dragging me causing my shoulder to hurt, but I bite my tongue and keep quiet. She puts me in the car and says "Text me after! Love ya girl!"


"No. Go see your boyfriend!"

I roll my eyes. Why does everyone think we are together that way. I slam my door shut, might as well go see what he wants.


"What are you doing?" he asks as I poke my head in the door way.

I briefly fill him in on what that lovely sound I was woken up too. He makes a disgusted face.

We go to my room and I close the door and sit on my bed.

"How do you have sex in someone else's home? that's sick." He says.

I look at him and anger flooded through me, "How do you try to force yourself on someone and leave them a giant bruise when they try to leave!" I shout at him.

His eyes widened and he went pale.

"Carter... look I'm sorry. I wasn't in my right mind. I had taken some meds that day and it made me out of it. I swear that's why I was acting like that. I would never try to hurt you Carter."

He came sit next to me and cried. I felt bad and told him it was fine and I believed him. When he stopped we watched some tv in my room until I fell alseep.

"What the fuck is he doing here!!?" I hear Zach scream.

I jolt awake and see him standing in my door way staring at a sleeping Colton next to me.

My mother comes running up the stairs and looks back and forth between me and Zachary.

"Umm I do believe I can have a friend over if I please. After all it is my house." I snap thinking back to earlier today.

He sees my mom and scolds and walks into his room.

Seriously what the hell is his problem?


When Colton woke up I told him that were just friends. He looked disappointed but he said okay and left.

I walked into my bathroom. I need a shower. I look at my phone and see it's 6 in the morning. Shit. Today was the first day of my senior year. I strip down and had my music blaring. I opened the shower Curtain and nearly peed myself. Zachary was in there. How did I not here the water?

"OMG I'm so sorry!" then I realize I'm naked! I ran to grab a towel on to hear him chuckling.

Oh. My. Gosh.

A few minutes later he comes in my rooms dressed thankfully, and tells me to hurry and take a shower bc his car Is broken and I have to bring him.

Great. What a great way to start off senior year.

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