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I'm released from the hospital, thankfully. But unfortunately, today is Michaels funeral. Zachary hasn't been seen, at least by me, since I said I wanted to talk to Colton when I told him we were done for good.

Mom helps me out the car and Auden helps me walk up the steps to the living room couch while mom unloads groceries. My hair is so nasty. Yeah, the washed me up and stuff in the hospital but I feel so gross. Not clean. A hot shower would be nice.

"I know that look. You want a shower don't you?" Auden says. I envy her at the moment. Looking all clean and refreshed, not to mention she doesn't have a million and one cuts on her or a gash on her neck. I sigh feeling upset all over again. I'm sitting her complaint about how I look when one of my friends died because of the wreck. I start crying and it's not too long before Auden is at my side. Only to by joined by Zachary.
Where did he come from? I didn't hear him from the stairs. Oh who cares?

"Carter, why are you crying?" Auden asks.
"Why do you think she's crying, idiot?! Look what's happened to her.." Zachary's voice goes from irritated to concerned at the last of his words.
"You little punk! Do not call me and idiot! I'm just worried about her!!" She shouts and shoves him.

"Stop!" I shout the best I can. They turn their attention to me. "I just want to shower."

Zachary picks me up bridal style and carries me up the steps to my- our bathroom. He strips me to my panties and bra, puts water running with a lot of bubbles. He turns back to me and he pulls at his pants, his face turning pink. Feeling self conscience, I wrap a towel around me.

He clears his throat and says, "Umm, I'll walk out and you can finish undressing and you can get in. I'll uh, go get Auden to come bathe you."

I climb in. Ugh, I hate having to have everyone help me! I reach for my loafer and soap but pain seers through my arm and back. Nope, can move too much, damn it.

Why was Zachary acting like how he was? Sweet to me lately. Why'd he pull at his pants and turn pink the way he did. He's probably embarrassed for me. I sigh and roll my eyes and I hear footsteps coming in.

"Auden we seriously need to talk about Zachary."

Then in a low, soft voice, " What about me?"
Panic races through me. I feel not just my face, but my whole body turn red. Shit. Just lovely.

"Auden left when I brought you up stairs, your mom went get you something for you. So you can either wait for her, try to bathe yourself, or...let me."

I turn my head fast, obviously a bad idea. I cry out as I feel the pain and tears fall hot and fast from my eyes.

"Shit Carter." He mumbles. He rushes to me and asks if I need medicine or something to help. I lower my head and shake it slightly "no".

Sighing he grabs my loafer and pours my Dove soap on to it and starts washing my back. I sit, unable to move as his fingers trace parts of my back as his washes it. Going to my shoulder he looks at me shyly, is he really being shy?

"I uh... need to get the front...", his face reddening once more as he says this.

I just move slightly for him to be able to hurry and get it done. I hear his breathing quicken, I can tell he's uncomfortable and is trying his best to hurry but not hurt me.

He gets my legs, washes my hair, then pulls the drain for the water.

"Zachary?" My voice coming out weak.
" How uh, Ima get out?"
He sighs and helps me, his eyes not leaving mine and then wraps a towel around me.

He nods his head and walks into his room. I walk into my room just at the same time my mother does. Placing a New York and Company bag on my bed she turns to me and smiles.
"Good to see you got a little of color back in your face. I'm going to grab your hair dryer and do your hair and get you dressed."


"It should've been you." Somebody screams as soon as I walk in the funeral home.

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