The begining

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" Carter Analise! Get up now!!" My mother storms in my room. " What did I tell you to do lastnight after you finished your book?" She says placing a manicured hand on her hip. Her blonde ringlets swaying when she moves, her blue eyes stormed with anger. My mother is a beautiful woman. Shes tall, 5'6, tan, from us living at the beach in Florida, her blue eyes shine so bright, and her blonde hair always stays perfect. I take after her, with being tall, I'm 5'7, tan, blonde hair, and blue eyes. But unlike, her I like to stay home, sit on the deck that over looks the beach and read. Ever since dad died in the boating accident, she's been going out all the time.

It happened about three years ago, him., Uncle Dillon, and my paran David were going to fish, but the motor exploded, we seen it happen from downstairs. Mom took up to drinlking for a while, then apologized to me for it, but then started going out. Sometimes she tiptoes past my room trying not to wake me, but its pointless, I don't go to bed until she's home.

" And what did I say about knocking?" I ask, throwing her ann aggrivated look. She walks over to my window and opens it up. The smell of the beach comes in and I smile because I love it. Even during fall it stays hot.

" I pay the bills. When you get yyour own house or pay rent, then we will talk about knocking." She states. " I told you to leave the door unlocked so Zachary could get in. Second I told you to clean up the guest bedroom. But you did none of those. Zachary slept outside. Outside! And now has no where to put his things."

I sit up all the way when I say " And that is my problem because?"

" Because if you don't do something with that room I will ground you from your car" She says pursing her lips.

" Aw no that is not fair. He can do it himself. And I paid for my car!" I say gripping my pillow to my chest so I won't throw it at her.

She sighs," Carter, please. Please go straighten up the guest room the closet and dressers are already cleaned up. Just wash the sheets and comforter. And hook up the tv system in there. Oh and make room for his stuff in your bathroom."

" BATHROOM?!!" NO!" I stand up throwing down my pillow, " I am not sharing MY bathroom with that...that thing."

" Hey pumkin." Zachary walks in my room. What the hell, apprentely people do not know how to knock. He walks to my window, his white shirt showing his muscles from being fitted, and his jeans making him look like he has a nice butt. His hair ruffles from the breeze, he turns and flashes his award winning smile at me. I roll my eyes and point to my door. He laughs and walks to the door, " Nice to see you to..And nice jammies."

I look down and see I'm in my dad's old Beetles shirt and my panties. I feel my cheeks burn up and say " Damn it. Just leave. Okay? And next time knock. Though I'm sure I won't invite you in." I cross my arms over my chest.

He smirks, shpwing his dimples, " Oh pumpkin, calm down."

" UGH!" I walk to my door and slam it in his face.

" Carter...." My mother begins. I shoot her a death glare and she shuts up..

" I'll do it, just as long as he won't be in there when I do. Now, please get out so I can dress."

She sighs heavily and hugs me then walks out, closing the door gently. What is wrong with him. We haven't spoke in what?... Two years? And whats up with " pumkin". I'm not a pumkin. I'll shove one up his ass though any day.

I pull on my yellow thin strap shirt with my white shorts. I walk over to my bathroom, brush my teeth and hair, put on my taylor swift wonderstruck perfume and my deo. Walking back into my room I see my dad's ring on my floor. I pick it up, it must've fallen off when I had my fit about Zachary. It has a cross with wings on the side of it engraved. My dad had forgotten it the day of the accident. I slip it on my thumb and go to clean the devils room.

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