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"Carter, would you stop being such a child. It's been two weeks and you still haven't talked to me about what's going on."

A child? A child! He's the one being a "child".
I look up from my pancakes and scowl at him. He looks rolls his eyes in response. "Look, we graduate in two weeks and then I don't know. I would like to spend the summer with you not pissed at me for whatever reason you are."
Why? I want to shout at him. This boy is so frustrating. One minute I think he could be into me, then next no. He's so bipolar he gives me whiplash. I sigh and frown down at my untouched pancakes mom made for me.
"Hunny, would you just talk to him. Seems like it is eating the poor thing alive, him trying to figure out what he did. " I look up and see my mother. Dressed in a pencil skirt, with a baby blue flowy shirt, and ankle boots.
"Mom I just.... I don't know. He confuses me. He makes me angry. I get jealous, too. But why does he care?"
"Baby girl you've got to open your eyes. That boy cares for you. And you care for him." With that she grabs her keys and heads off to work.

I dash upstairs to get dressed for school. What does she mean he cares for me? I know he wouldn't wish any ill will on me, at least I'd hope not. How can a boy like Zachary like a girl like me?
"You need to quit over analyzing things, pumpkin. Come on we're going to be late."
"Uhh, Zachary?" I turn to face him. he nods his head for me to go on, "Nevermind." shrugging, he walks off.

Deciding on black high-wasted shorts with a blush pink V-neck shirt and my white converse I grab my phone, wallet and hurry down the stairs to the car. Thankfully Zachary got his canary yellow Camaro, so I can't stop spending all my money on gas driving him around.

He looks at me and smiles. I feel my cheeks turn pink, ah hell! I stick my tongue out at him causing him to laugh a joyous laugh. Shaking his head, still smiling, he throws the car in gear and takes off. "Woahh."
"Nice, isn't she?" I nod my head and look at him. He looks like a movie star. His hair perfect, bright white teeth, ray bans on. He looks amazing in his dark casual jeans and black shirt. What would it be like to be with him? He's an ass most of the time, but I wonder what he's really like. How he feels about his parents death. His true personality.
He takes hold of my hand. I look down and I have butterflies in my stomach. Peeking at him, he catches me looking. I quickly look away as I turn crimson, he squeezes my hand and smiles.

People gawk at us as we walk down the hall. Zachary still has hold of my hand and refuses to let go. "Zachary I have to go to class."
"Alright." Saying his byes to his friends, our friends, he walks me there.
"If anyone says anything to you, come find me. Understand?" Baffled I nod my head and duck into English 4 honors class.
As soon as I am seated Auden starts loading me with question. Why haven't I called her back. Why was I late. Why was Zachary holding my hand. Jeez can't I just catch a break!
"Auden!" I hiss, whisper to her, cussing her to quiet herself. "One, if you called I damn well didn't know. Two, I was late because I was trying to decide if I wanted to come or not, and Zachary was talking to Ethan and boys. Lastly, I do not freaking know why he was holding my hand! Okay?!"
Wide eyed, she slightly nods her head and looks away. Gosh darnet now she's upset. I write her a note.
{ Auden I'm sorry. Ik ur mad @ me. I'm just so confused with alot. & stressed. }
{ ur right. u do have a lot goin on. tlk lats. Ok?}

Ever since Zachary came along, my whole life has spiraled out of control.

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