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I am so sick of hearing about Zachary Posey. The schools bad boy. He dated just about the whole school, and probably slept with who knows, and all the girl's just follow him around while drooling. Yeah, he's good looking, I'll give him that, with his light brown-blondish hair, his gray-blue eyes, tall and tone body and his dimples. But he's so arrogant. So rude and annoying. 

But thats not all, he is my neighbor. And now, since his parents died and his grandmother can't handle him darling mother decided he will stay with us. Now, once upon a time, I would not have minded this. Back in the day,before we hit fifteen, we were bestfriends. Always at each others houses, doing everything together, slept in the same beds, and he was even my first and only kiss. But a year after his parents died, he became and jerk.... And now, I must live with him.

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