Why me?

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A little while later, Jason and I were a little tipsy. We had been talking and laughing for a while. Then things changed. Somehow, we ended up laying down together, very close.

"My dad left us, my mom and I. It happened last year. He left a note saying how he was unhappy and he had to leave, but that he loved us with all his heart. If he loved us, he wouldn't have left us." I stared at the ceiling. "Now my mom works all the time and she's never home. We had to take down all the pictures with him in it. It's just hard."

Jason grabbed my hand. "I understand. My mom is never home either. Not because she's working though."

He didn't go into much detail about it and I decided not to ask. I stood up off the bed and stretched. "Matt's bed is not comfortable at all." I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

He came closer to me. "Lainey, please forgive me for everything."

I felt his hand on my hips. What the fuck is happening? I knew this was wrong, but I liked it and I didn't stop him.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Because," he smirked. "I'm adorable. And I'm being serious." He brought his hand to my face and we stared into each other for a few moments.

"I really should try and find a way out of here. Will you help me?" I asked him politely, pulling out of his embrace.

"Yeah, sure." He looked puzzled for a second. "Okay, I'll climb down the window and then you jump and I'll catch you."

"Absolutely not! You literally said that I couldn't make that jump an hour ago. And you could hurt yourself." I crossed my arms.

"I will catch you, I promise. Besides, Matt and I have snuck out of his window a thousand times. Hey," he came closer to me. "I will catch you."

The way my name sounded in his mouth was kind of amazing. My heart fluttered when he said it. "I'm trusting you. But if I die, you best believe that I will be right back here haunting you forever from the spiritual plane."

He stared at me blankly for a second. "You are such a nerd. Come on."

He was so fast getting out of the window. Wait, he could have left this entire time? I push the thought from my head as I'm staring down at him. His big strong arms are reaching out for me. Damn.

"Hurry up!" He whisper-yells.

I turned back into the room. "Okay. You got this. You can trust him...I think. You are great and you can do anything. Remember that before you die."

I leaned back over the window and put one leg out. Here goes. I leapt from the window sill and for a split second, I was sure I didn't see Jason anywhere. But when I felt myself crash into his body and then on the floor, I exhaled a sigh of relief.

He helped me up and we stood there awkwardly. "I don't think I can drive." I said, and I pulled my keys out of my pocket and handed them to him. "You drive."

"What the- Okay." He said as I was already walking off.


We ended up taking his car because just my luck, my car wouldn't start. Jason said he could get it in the morning for me before anyone saw it. We pulled up at my house and he turned off the car.

"Your not that bad, Lainey." He told me. I thought he was being sarcastic but when I looked at him, his face was serious.

"Duh," I said jokingly to lighten the mood, but he didn't laugh. "Your not that bad either."

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