Day 2 part 2

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You arrive at the bunker a few hours later where Dean parks his car in their huge beautiful garage and Cas carries your bag in for you but you don't even notice because you're too busy looking at the beauty of this bunker. " how did you guys find this place?" you say " men of letters " Sam says "nice" you said " that's it ? nice? I was expecting something like OMG THE MEN OF LETTERS WHAT ??" Sam says " Nah seems like a long story and I'm not in the mood," you say and noticed that that's sentence made Castiel get a cheesy little smile across his face " with that attitude you're going to fit in just fine around here," Cas says. " good normally my attitude just pisses everyone off" you say giggling.

"Alright well let's get you cleaned up," Sam says as he leads you to one of the bathrooms in the bunker. "When you get done come find me in the kitchen and ill take you to a room you can stay in if you want," Sam says " thanks, Sam. Oh hey, will you guys let me stay here if I ever need to sometime? I don't want to seem greedy but I don't really have a home or a car and I'm a 23 year old who can never get a job again because I have a horrendous record you say. Sam giggles "It really depends on what's going on at the time but more than likely yes" Sam says. "thanks, Sam" you say as you give him a hug and then go take a boiling hot shower.

**meanwhile in the kitchen**

"Well you were sure gone a while, did the girl get the hots for you or something?" Dean said " no Dean, she just had some questions, I mean... this is all new to her" Sam said "true" Dean said as Cas nods his head in agreement at the table. Sam sits down and watches Dean finish what he was doing grab his beer and walk over and sit down

"she asked me if we would ever let her stay here if she needed it, I told her it all depended on what was going on at the time but I also felt bad for her, she asked me like she didn't have anyone" Sam said quietly

"she might not" Dean said

"she also said that she was 23 year old with no chance of getting a job again because her record was too bad" Sam said

"awe damn that sucks. the early 20's are the worst times man, you think you're free but really you're just scared and hopeless" Dean said

"well that's depressing" Sam giggled

"but are we going to take care of her?" Sam said,

"I don't know what do ya think Cas?" Dean said flicking his attention to his angel

"I would be okay with keeping her here after we get to know her more and know about her backstory" he said firmly "I agree lets do that and then I'll think about it" Dean said

"Okay well I told her to find me in the kitchen after she's done and I'll take her to a room but we can talk to her then, sound good?" Sam asked

"yeah sounds good to me, Cas?" Cas nods.

You get out of the shower, dry off, get dressed and begin looking for a hair brush when you find one on the back of the sink" this is a pretty big hair bruah "you think to yourself,"it must be Sams" you say as you smirk and finish getting ready.
You walk to the kitchen to find the three of them sitting at the table eating pie and drinking beer.

"hey guys" you say as you walk up to the table still with damp hair

"hey!" they all say

"want some pie?" Sam offered


you say as you walk around Cas to sit down facing Sam.

"so what's up guys?" you say questioning the silence

"we wanted to talk to you and get more of your story before we just invite you into our life. Seems pretty logical to me" Cas says with a smile

"oh sure" you say as you look down remembering your uncle.

"so... back in late spetember 2001 I was 5-6 years old. I was living a normal life and one night I heard a loud noise that woke me up in my room upstairs so I came downstairs and saw this... Thing eating my uncle. Right there. On the floor in the middle of the kitchen. None of my family members are hunters or have ever been but I never forgot what that thing looked like." you said with a lot of emotion

"oh I'm so sorry" Sam says

"yeah. Me and my uncle were really close, that's why I actually wanted to look into this stuff. None of my other family members saw it. We were having a family sleepover, we do that sometimes where we rent a big house with lots of rooms just to be with each other for a while but I was the only person in the house who saw what actually attacked him. And of course, they didn't believe me, I was little and 'out of my mind' as they said" you said

"what was it?" Sam asked

"I don't know. I became a hunter as I got older because I wanted to know what got him and the more I searched the more unimaginable stuff I found. A world out here where all of your worst nightmares are real. It's crazy ya know. I've seen lots of monsters and I've talked to lots of hunters but no one has ever heard of this thing." you said

"do you have any description? We might be able to help" Dean said

"yeah. It was... About my height now and it was like... A bird person kind of. It looked like a bird in the face but it seemed to have a human body, but it had yellow and purple eyes." you say.

"wow that is definitely different. I don't know of anything like that right now but we can keep looking and I'll let you know if we find anything" Sam said

"what about you, what's your story?" you said

"you don't know?" Dean said quickly

"well... Yeah but I don't want to seem like a total stalker" you say with a giggle

"alright kid. You can stay. But. If you turn on us, if you side with any enemy and it isn't for a good reason you're gone end of story

"Dean said with a very strict look on his face

"ugh yes dad" you say as you roll your eyes and cross your arms like an moody teen causing them to all giggle

"well it's getting late. Let's get to bed" Dean said as you finish your pie and head to the bed that Sam had given you the directions to when Cas stops you

"hey" he said

"hey Cas what's up?" you ask

"these boys are amazing, I want you to know that. As long as you don't like team up with Lucifer or something stupid they will always be there for you. I know you're a strong girl but Dean can say things and not mean it. I can tell he likes you so... Don't blow that for yourself. You're safest here" he says and walks away quickly to catch Dean causing you to just look down, bite your lip and twirl your thumbs.

It's the end of day two!! What do you think so far??

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