Day 3 Part 2

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"what?" Dean said looking at Cas at the end of the bed through his sleepy eyes and bed head

"I'll talk to you in the morning, it's nothing you need some rest" he says as he walks over to the bed, covers Dean up and sits down to read.

"you okay Cas?" he whispers staring at the angel eyes half open

"I'm fine Dean, get to sleep" he says and waits for Dean to fall asleep.

The night goes by, you sleep well, you wake up the next morning and go through your normal routine of getting dressed and heading downstairs.
You go down and heat up a burrito that was left in the fridge from the other day and as your heating it you hear Cas "

uh h-hey" he says

"oh hey Cas! How are you?" 

"I'm okay, thank you for what you said last night. I thought about it I just don't know how to say it ya know" he says

"say what?" you both hear as Cas turns to see Dean walking into the kitchen, bed head with coffee in hand "oh nothing" Cas says as he power walks away

"what's up with him?" Dean asks

"I'm not sure why don't you ask him" you say as you turn to get your burrito

"maybe later, I need to find Sam so we can find a case" he says

"where is he?" you ask

"probably taking a shower" he said

"ah" you say as you sit down at the table to eat, Dean joining you not long after. It was silent for a while as you ate your burrito and dean just sipped his coffee, he looks like there's something on his mind but you don't want to ask just yet. Dean breaks the silence after clearing his throat

"so. How was your night with Cas" he said suddenly

"wha-what?!" you say

"I heard you. Must've been fun, he was gone a while" he said seeming kind of... Jealous?

"I mean... Are you mad" you ask cautiously

"nah, just..nah I'm not mad. There's nothing to be mad about, right?" he giggles

"right.." you see Cas walk by the door way and then walk back and peek in the room unnoticed by Dean. You give him a look telling him to stay there and you think to yourself

"well Cas isn't going to do this so.. Why don't I try"

"Dean can I talk to you about something... Personal?" you ask very cautiously.

"depends" he said

"you don't have to answer if you don't want to but, what are your feelings towards Cas?" you said. He looks up at you green eyes shinning with shock,excitement, you name it it was there.

"I uh" he said

"I have have strong feelings towards Cas. He's like a brother" he said fading quieter as he spoke

"... Really" you say slightly sarcastically

"yes" hesays with question

"I don't want to barge in on your life but as an outsider I can tell that the way you two treat each other isn't brotherly." you say

"what do you mean? Didn't you fuck him last night what does it matter to you?" he asked aggressively

"because we did more than that Dean. Cas had sex with me because he thought I was attractive and he told me that. After we had sex we talked because I could tell there was something up and I got some shit out of him" Dean looked very vulnerable at this point and you thought... Hey maybe I can get somewhere with this

"like?" Dean said  

"like, Cas said he has very strong feelings for you before we had sex but he didn't think it would ever go anywhere because you're 'too into girls' but Dean, he makes you coffee every morning, he watches you sleep just so you're protected even though you probably hated him watching you at first and for God's sake you two can't look at each other without eye fucking" you stated.

"oh" Dean said as Sam walks down the stairs

"hey" he says as he brushes his wet hair back. You slap your hand on the table in front of Dean and point over at Cas who is peeking in from the hallway. Dean gets the cutest little smirk and looks down at the table as he gets up to go talk to Cas

"hey Sam" you say.

"where's he off to so quickly?" Sam asked

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough" you say

"well I got a case in Montana if you want to come, looks like some vamps." he says

"okay I'm down, just wait on them to get done bromancing.

  **meanwhile Dean **
Dean walks over to Cas quickly and whispers "hey" then grabs his face and kisses his lips roughly.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long you don't even know" Dean said

"I think I might know" then he kisses back and they make out in the hallway and when you notice you choke on your burrito "what!?" Sam said following your eyes to see what your looking as. He choked on his coffee

"YOU GOT THEM TOGETHER??? I'VE BEEN DEALING WITH THIS SEXUAL TENSION FOR YEARS WHAT THE FUCK" Sam said... Very loudly and you laugh so hard and so do Dean and Cas. They walk into the kitchen together, very close. You and Sam just stare at them for a few seconds until Sam says

"sooo.... There's a Vamp case in Montana, do you wanna go or do you want some alone time? Me and Alex can handle this if you guys want to...*chokes on his words *.. Hang out here" Sam says making you giggle until you turn red in the face

"nah well go, well have alone time tonight" Dean said, blushing a little.

"oh god" Sam said as he grabs his bag "let's just go before they strip right here" . Sam walks out while you get to put your plate in the sink

"hey, Alex. Thank you" Dean says grabbing Cas and walking out with his angel wrapped around him in all types of ways. You smile to yourself, grab your bag and head to the car with the boys

Hey! What do you think so far? This wasn't supposed to be a destiel fanfic but I guess it just happened. I was going to make it be a like reader x castiel but my destiel instincts took over. Hope you're enjoying so far!

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